
jPod-based project and license check

  • Maurizio M. Gavioli


    I have started jPDFImposition, an open-source Java project based on the jPod library, which takes one or more source PDF's and creates an output PDF with an imposition applied (if you wonder what a typographic imposition is, you may have a look at Wikipedia ). The project is hosted on GitHub.

    As I am not very familiar with managing open-source projects (I usually collaborate with projects someone else manages), I want to be sure I have complied with all the jPod license terms. I have:

    • quoted the jPod dependency and linked to its home page on the project file (which also works as GitHub project 'cover page');
    • copied verbatim in the user manual the license coming with jPod source code (in jPod_License.txt)
    • included, in the distribution archive the user can download and run, a copy (unmodified) of the iscwt.jar, isrt.jar and jPod.jar files coming with jPod.

    Please advise if I missed anything or if anything is wrong.

    On another side, as the application does some non-trivial manipulation of page resources while combining several source pages into a single destination page, I would welcome any review, comment, suggestion or criticism other developers may have.

    I add that I am not a Java expert at all, my primary programming language being C++.



    • mtraut

      mtraut - 2015-01-05

      Hi Maurizio,

      first of all: Happy new year :-)

      As Elfi said, your usage conforms completely to our terms of use. Good luck for your project!

  • Elfi Heck

    Elfi Heck - 2015-01-02

    The jPod license is very liberal (the jPod renderer license is not) so from my limited knowledge I'd say that it's ok. mtraut might have more to say on this, but he's away during the holidays. (If he doesn't object in the next few days, you can assume that everything's ok).

    I've followed your Wikipedia link and found that I knew what it is, but now I also know the English term for it ;-)

  • Maurizio M. Gavioli

    Thanks for the reply, surprisingly quick! Assuming jPod can be distributed in some way with the application using it (I don’t use JPod renderer), I am ready to take any additional required steps whenever the need surfaces.

    About the term, yes, I imagine the relationship between Ausschießen (I think) and imposition is not evident; for me was easier, as in my language (Italian) the word is almost the same (imposizione).



    • Elfi Heck

      Elfi Heck - 2015-01-02

      Ha! And now I know the Italian term too ;-)

      (Yes, in German it's "Ausschießen")


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