
JPlate / News: Recent posts

Moving to git for source code control

JPlate will soon be moving from Subversion to git. I use git at work, and to date, have somewhat weaker skills with git. I hope to do that this coming weekend (02/28/08).

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-03-25

Working a Keros bug before returning to JPlate

Yes, JPlate is currently in a 0.1 release... However, as the integration with Keros and the 0.1 release showed, a source release was not done in 0.1. This is due to a Keros bug - "to rethink releases." Time permitting I am working on this Keros bug ( I will likely finish this bug and "knock out" a few feature requests before returning to JPlate. Sorry about the delay.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-02-26

JPlate 0.1 released (and repackaged)!

I am proud to announce JPlate 0.1 is now released! This represents the "new and improved" version of JPlate. Specifically the Foundation, KVP and Tabular sub-projects are now part of one project entitled JPlate.

Unfortunately, at this time, a source release is not being built - to get the source please perform a Subversion checkout.

Additionally, JPlate's project management is now managed by Keros ( read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-02-11

Starting JPlate - Keros usage today

Keros 1.1 was released yesterday (1/26/09). The next release of JPlate will be one built using Keros. Additionally, the current sub-projects (Tabular, KVP, etc) will now all brought under one umbrella: JPlate.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-01-27

JPlate is being repackaged & will use Keros for building

JPlate is going to, once again, be a single package that will include everything from the Foundation to KVP to Tabular. Although a separate packaging scheme seemed to make sense at the time, it is complicating the build process with little value add.

Additionally, the Environment was removed and placed in a different project called Keros. JPlate will now use Keros as its build environment (and include it with source releases).

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-12-02

Complete JPlate repackaging is coming

As soon as Keros 0.2 is released, releases in JPlate will be overhauled and repackaged. There will no longer be releases of Foundation, Tabular nor KVP.

All will be released under one name: jplate-xxx-yyy - and there will no longer be separate releases.

All current releases will be retired shortly.

Once Keros 0.2 is released, it will be used in JPlate and JPlate 0.1 will be released.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-01-17

The Environment is now released and available under Keros


Keros 0.1 is now released! This was known as the JPlate Environment. Keros can be found at:

Please note: This is the Environment repackaged as Keros. All future enhancements will be found at the Keros web site. All existing JPlate Environment functionality is contained in this Keros 0.1 release.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-01-14

The Environment is officially retired

The source for the Environment is now checked-in to Subversion for project Keros:

For future releases, please look to this URL.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-01-07

JPlate Environment is becoming project Keros!

I am pleased to announce that the JPlate Environment is being merged with Open Qabal's build environment ( to form project Keros:

Within the next two weeks, the Environment is being migrated to this new project. Once moved, the Environment will be retired and no further work will be completed here in the JPlate project.

This is really great news as I am satisfied enough with the Environment to allow others to now contribute :)... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-01-05

Tabular 0.2 released

This is a minor release. However, there was a bug in the 0.1 release where data was not parsed correctly. Please refer to bug #1843498 (

For all changes, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-12-30

Project rework coming

JPlate's sub-projects are becoming more difficult to manage: sub-projects have dependencies on one another, all use similar jar files (for example logging), then each has its own release cycle with many different file release types (jars, source, doc, etc).

The idea behind sub-projects was inspired by Spring - however, the implementation has turned out to be somewhat painful. The Environment is going to be modified to support projects and sub-projects in the term of a "suite."... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-12-18

Foundation 0.9 released

Foundation 0.9 has been released!

For further changes, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-12-13

Tabular 0.1 released

Initial release of Tabular 0.1. This project deals with processing data stored in a table format of records and fields. Each record and field has its own delimiters - for example "new lines" for records and commas for fields.

For further changes, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-12-02

IRC channel created

I have created the IRC channel #JPlate on Please feel free to join this channel if you have any questions/comments about JPlate.

I can be found there most business days M - F under the name Flossy.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-11-01

Kvp (Key Value Pair) 0.1 released

Initial Kvp (Key Value Pair) 0.1 release.

Please note, a pre 0.9 release of the Foundation is included with this release (pre-jplate-foundation-0.9.jar). In order to get this release out, some functionality changed in the Foundation and I didn't want to rush a Foundation release (meaning changes were made to the Foundation and a pre-release jar was created).

For further changes, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-10-25

Foundation 0.8 released

Foundation 0.8 has been released!

Please note: if building the source, FindBugs will complain about some warning with regard to transient data members and serialization. Disregard those warnings as they will be addressed in feature request #1710136 (

Additionally, logging has been added in this release.... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-10-17

Parser sub-project being dropped

I have been busy repackaging the implementations in the Parser sub-project. Unfortunately, the Parser project itself now is so small it does not warrant its own sub-project status. Therefore the "core" Parser code is being migrated to the Foundation project and will live in org.jplate.founation.parser. The Parser project will live in Subversion but is to be retired soon. The implementations are being moved into there own respective projects: template, kvp, and tabular. The aforementioned will have dependencies on foundation and environment.... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-10-08

Parser reorganization in progress

The Parser project is about to change and be made into a smaller project. It will not contain any domain related parsers - such as CSV, engine, etc...

Basically those parsers will go in respective projects that will use them. For example, there is the concept of tabular parsers - table oriented parsing for CSV, colon delimited, etc. As anyone who may use these parsers will need data structures to hold the parsed data, a Tabular project is being developed that has a dependency on those parsers. Unfortunately every other parser that has nothing to do with tabular parsing is included as a dependency. This certainly does not honor the notion of "separation of concerns."... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-09-28

Parser 0.3 released

This releases adds a new parser: key/value pair parser.

For further information, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-09-24

Engine coming soon

Work is about to begin on the Engine. All "framework" code is in place now to make this happen .

The Engine will be based upon the template markup found in the Parser sub-project.

Please note: this version of the Engine will most likely NOT resemble the retired version of the Engine currently available.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-09-21

Parser 0.2 released

JPlate is a framework/toolkit to build applications - think of it as the template for application development. If for some reason releases are not happening in a timely fashion please examine the Subversion repository as you may find more there.

This releases fixes documentation, adds a new parser (colon delimited values) and moved some files around to be in more logical locations.

For further information, please see: ... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-09-21

Parser 0.1 released

Contains useful parsers written in Java/JavaCC.

There does appear to be a bug in the release due to some issue in the way the Environment is setting the lib dir (there is a lib/lib/jplate-foundation-0.6.jar). This will be addressed at a later time.

For further information, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2007-09-14