
Optical Character Recognition (GOCR) / News: Recent posts

gocr-0.43 released

This is a new release of gocr, a command line based text recognition program.

Lot of problems with the new vectorized recognition code are fixed. Support for multiple images and black background is added.
Recognition rate is slightly enhanced especially for small-fonts-screenshots.
Rotation angle is recognized now precisely (because the vectorization of the recognition code is still in progress strong rotations can not be used).

Posted by Joerg Schulenburg 2006-12-12

gocr-0.41 released

This is a new release of gocr, a command line based text recognition program.

Lot of bugs are fixed and usability is improved. Recognition rate is slightly enhanced. Small-fonts-screenshots should give much better results now.

Posted by Joerg Schulenburg 2006-08-30

Gocr 0.3.5 released

This is a command line based optical character recognition program.

Improved character recognition, new features (UTF8-Output) and many bugs fixed. If you are interested in testing GOCR, download this version and play with your examples and all possible options.

Posted by Joerg Schulenburg 2002-02-07


libgocr is a library to help the creation of OCR engines. Engines are released as plugins, and can take advantage of several features that the library provides. Frontends to the library can be written for any kind of environment.
This is a first beta version.

Posted by Joerg Schulenburg 2001-04-09

gocr-0.3.0 release

We have reviewed the sourcecode and think gocr
is again usable for you. Please download and test it.

Posted by Joerg Schulenburg 2000-12-01