
JNewton 0.8 Release

I foobared the SVN server, so now the code is in the 'java' and 'native' folders.

In this release, all the most commonly used functions have been implemented. Some of the more advanced ones will not work correctly and should not be used, such as creating a user mesh, using rag dolls, and some vehicle functions.

If you are using Java 1.5 or later, you can use the new static import on JNewton to eliminate the repetitive 'JNewton.blah'. It makes using it much easier and cleaner. It also looks more like its C counterpart, so users of Newton will be very familiar with the coding structure.

Some convenience's were added this release, such as 'NewtonCreate()' which does the same as 'NewtonCreate( null, null )', since it does not take into account anything you pass. Also some constants for defining the engines various modes and states have been added.

Just a reminder, the folder for the JNewton.dll and Newton.dll has to be listed in the -Djava.library.path in the VM arguments.

Posted by justin 2008-02-25

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