
Out of memory

  • Gareth Burrows

    Gareth Burrows - 2008-03-22


    Just loaded the emu onto my Nokia 6300 and emulator loads to the classic C64 screen, but when I load a game such as chuckyegg.d64 it comes up with:

    Application Error

    Click on details and it says:

    Out Of Memory Error Java/lang/OutOfMemoryError

    Tried with variuos games and get the same result.  Is there anything I can do?



    Hope you can help



    • Jörg Jahnke

      Jörg Jahnke - 2008-03-22

      There are a few things which come to my mind:
      - You could switch off the "Smooth scaling" option in the emulator settings
      - Use the "Fast" drive emulation in the drive settings (only applies to games using the floppy drive, not if you 'Fast Load' a game and that game does not access the drive afterwards)
      - You could try one of the older versions of the emulator, e.g. 1.6 or 1.5 as some of these used a bit less memory (at the cost of less features or perhaps less performance etc.).

      But overall the emulator does use quite a lot of memory and if the phone's Java VM does offer less than ~3 megs of RAM for Java programs then the emulator will have problems.

    • Jörg Jahnke

      Jörg Jahnke - 2008-05-17

      THe new versions 1.7.5 has significantly lower memory requirements. You could give it a try.


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