
Java Library Management System / News: Recent posts


I received notice from the RIT Anime Club over the summer that they are no longer using JLibSys. As there are no consumers, I will not be continuing development.

However, if some other group wants to use it, I would be more than happy to pick up where I left off.

Posted by Fanguad 2006-11-09

OMG! An update!

Can you believe it! An update!

It's been a long, long time since I last updated. Not quite so long since I actually worked on the program, though. There are also a few other names in the code now. Thanks to Sean and Greg for helping out, even if it was only for a short while.

I'm in the process of switching over to using Swinglabs SwingX components. Most of the custom components I wrote for myself are in there - and they look prettier, too.... read more

Posted by Fanguad 2006-01-29

I've been slacking

That's really sad... I haven't even posted news in over a year. I haven't really touched the code for the past 6 months, but I've recently started working on JLibSys again. I'm refactoring all the internals to be much more sensible. At the same time, I'm planning on making it a real plug-in architecture, instead of the half-assed version it is now. Careful of checking out of CVS anytime soon - it may not even compile.

Posted by Fanguad 2005-04-14


I've moved the CVS repository to SourceForge's system. If you don't want to read the information, here is how to get the files. The module name is jlibsystem. You will also need SkinLF from to compile.

cvs login

cvs -z3 co jlibsystem

Posted by Fanguad 2004-01-19

It occurs to me...

I realize that in addition to a data source, you'll also need the Skin Look & Feel package. It is available from L2FProd ( Also check out for all sorts of cool Look and Feels. I particularly like metouia (

Posted by Fanguad 2003-09-07

Version 8 Available

Version 8 is available. The major difference between 7 and 8 is bugfixes, mostly due to the change in database schema, and also some UI improvements based on suggestions.

Let me know how you like it!
If you need any help, please e-mail me!

Posted by Fanguad 2003-09-07


I'm probably going to move the project to the BSD license, which I assume is allowed, since it's my project. If I understand things correctly, any version prior to the license change will be under GNU and any version after will be under BSD.

If anyone reads this and sees a problem, let me know.

Posted by Fanguad 2003-07-18


OK, so that didn't work so well, just click on my name :P

Posted by Fanguad 2003-07-01

Anyone out there?

I don't know if anyone is actually using this or seriously downloading it. If so, <a href="">e-mail me</a> and let me know.

Posted by Fanguad 2003-07-01

Going on the Road

I'll be at Anime Central in May, and I'll be taking the project with me. I'll have free CDs to pass out at the Anime Club Summit, and I can also help with installation or usage questions at that time.
I'll also be bringing some supplies with me to demo the program.

Posted by Fanguad 2003-04-22

Unneccesarily Complex

I am currently working on a rewrite of the database interface that uses reflection to call methods. Basically, all you have to do is load the correct modules in your cfg file, then request them by name to call them. It even has basic versioning!

Posted by Fanguad 2003-04-09

Do you have comments?

I notice that there are some downloads. For those of you who have downloaded it, do you have any comments? Even something small like "It works, but it's not what I'm looking for" or "I can't get it to work, here's what happened..." would be great.

Post in the forums, or e-mail me.

Posted by Fanguad 2003-03-26

How to use Library System

Here's a basic rundown of how the Java Library System works:

Run the jar file with the following command:
java -jar RITAnime.jar

You'll get a nice long ClassNotFound exception. It's complaining that it can't find the Connector/J JDBC drivers for MySQL (the default).

Also, a ritanime.cfg file will be created. Right now, the easier way to change your database setup is by editing this file directly. Edit the driver, database, user and password colomns from their default values, and you should be set (assuming you've created the database tables, of course)... read more

Posted by Fanguad 2003-02-26