
#162 window too small!! (cont. with pic)


here's a pic (attached)

the problem persists even after deleting folder from Applications and reinstalling Jin

it only happens with the first board window opened but it has good memory, and does it every time I start the app or when it's first board window to be opened, all subsequent windows are normal

is there a way to restore the window's attributes,



  • mialpa

    mialpa - 2008-02-22
  • Alexander Maryanovsky

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Some comments:

    1. Please don't post multiple bug reports for the same issue.
    2. I'm not sure what I'm looking at in the screenshot - it looks fine to me.
    3. Please do this, if you're under Mac OS X: Preferences->User Interface and select "Single Document Interface" under "Windowing Mode".
    4. To restore Jin's settings to their original ones, you need to delete the ~/.jin folder (that is, a folder named ".jin" in your home folder).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    In response to your comments:

    1. I couldn't upload an attachement to my first post, since I was not yet registered when I first posted
    2. Sorry, the tiny window in the middle lower part of the pic where there's a red dot, that's my active "board window"
    3. I know that selecting single doc interface in preferences "solves" the issue, but the problem still persists in my preferred multiple docs interface window mode
    4. I deleted that (.jin) folder in my home folder but still jin knows my user name and remembers my resized windows, so I am back to square one

    help is greatly appreciated and thx for your efforts with Jin

  • mialpa

    mialpa - 2008-02-22
  • mialpa

    mialpa - 2008-02-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I just uploaded a second pic

    See that there are three resized (by me) windows in the middle two of them still have the resizing control of Mac OS X windows (three oblique parallel lines in right lower corner) whereas in the third one it is no longer visible, the problem is easily reproducible (be warned) by resizing the window yourself

    File Added: jinpic2.png

  • mialpa

    mialpa - 2008-02-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Ok, I was able to solve by following your recommendations:

    3. ...under Mac OS X: Preferences->User Interface
    ... select "Single Document Interface" under "Windowing Mode".

    and then:
    4. ... restore Jin's settings to their original ones, ... delete
    the ~/.jin folder (that is, a folder named ".jin" in your home folder).

    Problem solved, thx again!


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