
#604 Pie chart and legend are not colored consistently

General (896)
Eric Milles

This problem may have been noted in bug 1400442, but it
was closed in 1.0.1 and I am still seeing inconsistency.

I use PiePlot#setIgnoreZeroValues(true). Zero values
are correctly excluded from the chart and legend.
However, the color in the chart and legend for the same
category is different. (Example: "warning" category is
zero and excluded from chart and legend; "error"
category is non-zero and included, but colored red in
the chart and yellow in the legend. The intended color
for the "warning" category is yellow and for the
"error" category is red.)


  • Eric Milles

    Eric Milles - 2006-02-09

    Logged In: YES

    After looking at open bugs a little closer, I think this
    problem may be referenced by bug 1190647 as well.

  • David Gilbert

    David Gilbert - 2006-03-02
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mungady
  • David Gilbert

    David Gilbert - 2006-03-02

    Logged In: YES

    Do you get this problem with the PiePlot class, or only with
    MultiplePiePlot? There is a problem with the setLimit()
    implementation in MultiplePiePlot (as noted in bug 1190647),
    but I can't reproduce the problem you have described with
    setIgnoreZeroValues() in PiePlot. If it is possible, could
    you post a small demo app that reproduces the problem?

  • Eric Milles

    Eric Milles - 2006-03-02
  • Eric Milles

    Eric Milles - 2006-03-02

    Logged In: YES

    I have carefully reviewed this and attempted to build a
    small class that will demonstrate the issue. The problem as
    I describe it is no longer found in JFreeChart 1.0.1.
    However, I do have two other issues to raise based on the
    current behavior:

    1) Under JFreeChart 1.0, if a CategoryDataset item had the
    value 0, it would not appear on the chart or legend (using
    setIgnoreZeroValues(true)), but the DrawingSupplier would be
    advanced. This would keep color choices in line with the
    categories for which I intended them. Now, using JFreeChart
    1.0.1, if a category has a zero value, it is not displayed
    on the chart or legend and the DrawingSupplier is not
    advanced, so colors get out of alignment. I am attaching a
    demo class that shows this. This behavior caused me to
    discover my second issue.

    2) I have been using a static DrawingSupplier. In my real
    app, I create many charts before exiting. It appears that
    the DrawingSupplier is remembering its current position and
    is not reset between charts. There is no method to reset
    the supplier so it starts at the beginning on the interface.
    For now I will be switching to using a local
    DrawingSupplier; I suppose I could clone my static version
    each time I want to create a new chart.


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