Wim Bervoets - 2004-10-05

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I also got this exception when the following conditions applied:

- I used BarChart base on Categories
- I set myself the setLowerMargin and setUpperMargin on the

In CategoryAxis.java in method calculateCategorySize we have:
result = available * (1 - getLowerMargin() -
getUpperMargin() - getCategoryMargin());

If we don't specify categorymargin it will be 0.2 if we then
set lowermargin and uppermargin as such that lowermargin +
uppermargin > 0.8, then result will be negative.

This result will be used to call

TextBlock label = createLabel(category, l * r, edge, g2);

in refreshTicks method.

This will call: TextUtilities.createTextBlock and pass a
negative width

It'll go further down to TextUtilities.nextLineBreak:

while (measurer.getStringWidth(text, start, end) > width) {
this wile loop will keep on executing until end become
negative eventually. when end becomes -1 in the
getStringWidth method a substring on (start, -1) will
generate the above exception.

Hope this helps :-)
