
Euclide / News: Recent posts

Euclide 0.6.6 released


Euclide 0.6.6 has just been released !

This version fixes several bugs, and add some new features:
* parralel by point, buffer by point
* PolygonEdge2D construction
* DomainToPolygon2D construction
Several bugs have been fixed, and the menus updated. Complete list of changes is given in file changelog.txt

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones, e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2012-04-14

Euclide 0.6.5 released


Euclide 0.6.5 has just been released !

This version fixes several bugs, and add some new features (ellipse construction, polygon difference...).
This version uses the javaGeom library version 0.10.0, making the underlying geometric computations more robust. Complete list of changes is given in file changelog.txt

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones, e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2011-12-04

Euclide 0.6.3 released


Euclide 0.6.3 has just been released !

This is mainly a bug-fixes release, which introduces union and intersection of polygons. This version uses the javaGeom library version 0.9.0. Complete list of changes is given in file changelog.txt

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones, e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2011-09-12

Euclide 0.6.2 released


Euclide 0.6.2 has just been released !

This version fixes many bugs, introduces new tools (creation of regular polygons, repeat shape transformations, display of document tree...), and enhances support for drawing styles. Complete list of changes is given in file changelog.txt

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones, e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2010-05-13

Euclide 0.6.1 released


Euclide 0.6.1 has just been released !

This version is mainly a bug-fix release, with a better support of drawing styles, of file save/load, and of GUI. Complete changes are given in file changelog.txt.

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones, e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2010-02-13

Euclide 0.6.0 released


Euclide 0.6.0 has just been released !
Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.

The main new feature of this release is the basic support for macros: user can now define a macro by selecting several shape inputs and an output shape, and repeat the processing for different inputs. Moreover, the display has been improved, by using new version of the underlying geometric library.... read more

Posted by David 2009-09-10

Euclide 0.5.3 released


Euclide 0.5.3 has just been released !

This version fixes several bugs, and enhance the GUI. Among new features :
- icons have been introduced in menu
- zoom has been improved
- it is possible to move a shape that depends only on free points
- it is now possible to import/export coordinates of point sets
- enhanced support of labels
- new constructions (conversions between point srs and polylines/polygons, rotation by center and angle measure, curve locus)... read more

Posted by David 2009-08-04

Euclide 0.5.2

Euclide 0.5.2 just released !

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.

Some measures can be made on the shapes (distance between a point and a shape, radius of
a circle, angles of lines...), and can be used to create other shapes (line with the same
angle as another line...).... read more

Posted by David 2009-04-24

Euclide 0.5.1 released

Euclide 0.5.1 has been releeased.

Amoung new features:
- added new constructions(domains, boundary of domain, scaling transform...)
- added new measures: winding angle, counting measures
- added grid management
- added possibilities for picking points: intersections of lines, circles, polygon vertex
- added preview of shape
- better support of multi document
- better control on names of layers
- uses the javaGeom 0.6.3 library... read more

Posted by David 2008-12-22

Euclide 0.5.0 released

Euclide 0.5.0 have been released.

This is mainly a bug-fix release, but some new features have been implemented, especially for display and save support:
- display of shapes before creation,
- better support of drawing styles,
- better display of drawing sheet
- lot of buf fixes in reading/writing files.

* What is Euclide ? *

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2008-04-24

Euclide 0.4.0 released


Euclide 0.4.0 has been released ! Several bugs have been fixed, and new features have been implemented. Amoung improvements:
- better support of reading and writing of files,
- implementation of vectors, and some measures on vectors
- implementation of predicates (dynamic boolean values)
- better support for several documents, and for sheets and layers management
A complete list of changes is given in file 'changeLog.txt'.... read more

Posted by David 2008-04-05

Euclide 0.3.2 released


Euclide 0.3.2 has been released ! It fixes some bugs, and adds few features which were cruelly lacking:
- Layers can be deleted, and order changed
- New documents can be created
- Shapes can now be deleted, with all objects depending on them
- Added a text over mouse cursor to help identify current selected shape
- It is possible to create composition of affine transforms

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly. ... read more

Posted by David 2008-01-20

Euclide: 0.3.1 released

Euclide is a dynamic geometry application written in Java. It allows creation of geometric shapes (lines, points, circles, conics...) and transforms (rotation, symmetry...), which depend each other. Moving a shape will also move shapes dependent on it.


Euclide version 0.3.1 has just been released. It's mainly an update version.

Euclide is a software for interactive geometry. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.... read more

Posted by David 2007-11-01

Euclide 0.3.0 released

Euclide 0.3.0 release notes

This release introduce two man changes:
- the program architecture has been rewritten, to allow a wider variety of
dynamic shapes
- It is now possible to write and read geometric constructions in 'dgf' files,
a format specific to Euclide, but which can easily be understood (and
possibly modified) by human. Next step is XML

New shapes have also been added :
- reverse curve,
- conversion of curve to polyline,
- osculating circle of smooth curve,
- sub curve delimited by 2 points... read more

Posted by David 2007-05-20

Euclide 0.2.1 released

Euclide 0.2.1 has been released.
This is the last version of the software Euclide, dedicated to dynamic geometry, and a minor update of version 0.2.0.

This version introduces new shapes (Square and triangle from 2 points, bounding box of a curve), a better support for curves, and masurements of polygon area.

Download file, unzip it in any directory, and run 'Euclide.bat'
For linux user, the command:
'java -cp.;Euclide.jar;javaGeom-0.3.1.jar Euclide'
should work

Posted by David 2007-04-22

Euclide 0.2.0 released

Euclide 0.2.0 has been released.
Tis is the last version of the software Euclide, dedicated to dynamic geometry.

This version introduces new shapes (Parabola 2 points, Reflected ray), possibility to use measures to create new shapes, and a better support of curves.

Download file, unzip it in any directory, and run 'Euclide.bat'
For linux user, the command:
'java -cp.;Euclide.jar;lib-geom2d.jar Euclide'
should work

Posted by David 2007-03-14

Euclide: first public release

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software, like KGeo, geoNext, geoPlan or Cabri. It is written in Java, using the javaGeom library.

Please enjoy, and report any bug, interest or suggestion.

Posted by David 2006-12-14