
Euclide 0.4.0 released


Euclide 0.4.0 has been released ! Several bugs have been fixed, and new features have been implemented. Amoung improvements:
- better support of reading and writing of files,
- implementation of vectors, and some measures on vectors
- implementation of predicates (dynamic boolean values)
- better support for several documents, and for sheets and layers management
A complete list of changes is given in file 'changeLog.txt'.

Euclide is a dynamic geometry software. User places free geometrical shapes, like
points, lines or circles. Other geometrical shapes can be constructed from existing ones,
e.g. intersection points of curves, center of circle, projected points... When parent
shapes are moved, children shapes are updated accordingly.

Some measures can be made on the shapes (distance between a point and a shape, radius of
a circle, angles of lines...), and can be used to create other shapes (line with the same
angle as another line...).

Transforms are supported: rotations, translations, symetries... as well as predicates,
which return a boolean result (Is a point on a curve, are 3 points colinear...).
and can build shapes dependent on them.

The aim of Euclide is to be a bridge between true geometrical drawing, and more
classical vectorial drawing program. The sofware is still largely in development,
and many features are not yet implemented.

Homepage of the project:

Posted by David 2008-04-05

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