
JCCKit / News: Recent posts

JCCKit 1.1 release

The new release allows server-side off-screen image creation.

A Configuration Manual (PDF) has been added.
It explains all configuration parameters.

Posted by Franz-Josef Elmer 2004-12-18

new minor release JCCKit V1.01

The new release has only a tiny change concerning bar charts: Now bars can also go into negative direction.

Posted by Franz-Josef Elmer 2004-09-11

JCCKit final release V1.0 is out

Various bugs are fixed and a few new features are added:

  • Annotation layer (with any kind of graphics or text) can be added programmatically to a Plot
  • A marker object can be set in a GraphicalPlotCanvas to support mouse interactions

JCCKit's jar file is still less than 100Kb (97.7Kb).

Posted by Franz-Josef Elmer 2004-03-21

New Major Release

The new major release 0.999 with important new features is out:

  • Non-numerical tic labels
  • Swing wrappers for GraphicalPlotCanvas and Graphical2DPlotCanvas
  • The renderer can be set explicitely for GraphicalPlotCanvas and SVGPlotter
Posted by Franz-Josef Elmer 2004-01-18

Release 0.99

The new major release contains the missing Graphics2DRenderer. As another new feature error bars can be drawn. Some bugs has been fixed. There are new examples on the home page. Also the User Guide has been extended.

Posted by Franz-Josef Elmer 2003-05-12