
JChannel instantiation taking too long

  • Fábio Anjos

    Fábio Anjos - 2013-02-28


    I am a newbie with JGroup, so sorry if that's an obvious question.
    I am trying to run the example (SimpleChat) in the tutorial. It works, but the problem is that the JChannel takes 2 minutes to be instantiated, and channel.connect(), one minute.
    Do you have any idea about what's going on?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Bela Ban

    Bela Ban - 2013-03-01

    No, unless you provide more information, e.g.:
    - Version
    - Trace logs
    - Config

    • Fábio Anjos

      Fábio Anjos - 2013-03-01

      Hi Bela,
      Thanks for answering!
      Well, I am using jgroups-3.2.7.Final.jar with default udp configuration.

      After connecting, this is printed on sdout:

      GMS: address=SWN005-63846, cluster=ChatCluster, physical address=2801:84:0:1055:3ca3:c2d5:269b:9244:57508
      ** view: [SWN005-63846|0] [SWN005-63846]

      Is there any way I can give you more information?
      Thanks again!


      Last edit: Fábio Anjos 2013-03-01
  • Bela Ban

    Bela Ban - 2013-03-01

    So the members don't find each other. That's ok, but it shouldn't take long. Did you change the default config ?
    You're using IPv6, is your box configured for it ? If not, use IPv4 by setting

  • Bela Ban

    Bela Ban - 2013-03-01

    If this still doesn't work, use TRACE logging for org.jgroups and post the 2 logs for me to download somewhere

    • Fábio Anjos

      Fábio Anjos - 2013-03-01

      I didn't change the default configuration and the same thing happened with IPv4.
      You can download trace log here.

      Sorry, I don't know what you mean by 2 logs. I was able to get only one.

  • Bela Ban

    Bela Ban - 2013-03-01

    Something's seriously wrong on your box: looking at your logs I can see that between reading the config file and setting the properties in UDP it takes 28 seconds ! Then another 20 seconds to start the stack, and this goes on.
    This process is crawling, so no wonder does it not find anyone else, I guess the CPU is topping out at 100%.

  • Fábio Anjos

    Fábio Anjos - 2013-03-01

    Ok Bela.
    I am going to test it in another computer.


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