
Jamud- Java MUD Server / News: Recent posts

The site goes up, the site goes down


Just letting everyone know that the (newly redesigned) home page is bouncing around a bit. This is one of the perils of self-hosting, I suppose. I may, in the near future, move to actual sourceforge hosting. Until that time, please just bear with me. There will also be some sustained downtime when I move papasmurf to his new home. Which brings me to...

In other news, I'm moving to a new apartment, and with me move my machines. Hence, stella (the development box) is now in... well... a box. This is a good as an excuse for my slow development as I can offer :)... read more

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2002-05-20

Web page updated... Coming soon: alpha6

I've updated (because I needed to do something else creative for a while). I'm going to flip everything on its side in a week or two (ideally) when I post to cvs jamud-alpha6. Yeah baby, YEAH.

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2002-04-25

Alpha 5.0 posted to CVS

Greetings all,

I've finally made good on my incessant babbling and posted the revisions I've been working on to CVS.

I'm new to this whole CVS thang, so forgive me if something is horribly screwed up (but DO email me, so I can try to fix it).

To the quick of it, here's a list of things to be aware of.

- No help, no posts. I haven't rebuild them for plugins yet. The infrastructure is there, just not the code to do the work.... read more

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2001-11-08

Goodbye Alpha 4, Hello Alpha 5

Despite and contrary-to the apparent cold shoulder I've been showing my sourceforge presence, I have NOT been idle over the past X months (I think 4). I have been working and re-working the entirety of the mud. I ripped and tore and spackled and then in the midst of this all I realized that the amount of modifications (and at such deep levels as they were) would more than likely constitute a change in versioning, too. And so it is that JaMUD has moved from alpha 4 to alpha 5!... read more

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2001-09-18

General Updates

With the recent release, I feel the need to post a general sum-it-all-up news. You know how it is; once you start this sort of thing, you just go crazy.

I've released a new build (finally). This build features the new and improved Event system, and annoyingly enough does not feature any scripting at all. However this is only a minor setback as scripting will very shortly be provided in a scripting-mod and a plugin (all in one package).... read more

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2001-04-29

Where to find daily updates

Apart from the weekly build distro's located here on SourceForge, I keep an up-to-date backup of working-on code at the following URL:
This is generally highly unstable code (more so than usual, even).

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2001-01-24

Now Releasing Weekly Builds

We are now releasing a weekly build (sometime between friday and sunday, I promise). The changelog will still contain day-by-day updates, but all the changes of that release will be put in the release under one week. Hope this benefits anyone out there who is interested at least remotely. -siege

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2001-01-21

Moving In

We've begun moving into our new home at sourceforge. Release archives are currently available at

Also, while we get this all setup, visit our homepage at

Thanks, Tal

Posted by Christopher (siege) O'Brien 2000-12-30