HI Juergen,
Yes its possible to put a file content into Queue, there is a  'put' menu item when you right click on a Queue, where you can achieve this.
And to save the Queue message into a file, you need to do manualy, by using the 'read' menu item and copying it.
I understand what you are looking for, and I am sorry no such features are there in the current release.But I will definitely look into this feature, allowing user to select a file to push its content into the selected Queue and similar way by saving the queue contents or single message into a file.

  From: Juergen Weber <weberjn@users.sf.net>

To: Ticket 2 2@tickets.jackibmmqexplorer.p.re.sf.net
Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2015, 14:06
Subject: [jackibmmqexplorer:tickets] #2 Put File into Queue

[tickets:#2] Put File into QueueStatus: open
Milestone: 1.0
Created: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:06 AM UTC by Juergen Weber
Last Updated: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:06 AM UTC
Owner: nobodyIt should be possible to put the contents of a file into a queue and save a message as file.Sent from sourceforge.net because you indicated interest in https://sourceforge.net/p/jackibmmqexplorer/tickets/2/To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit https://sourceforge.net/auth/subscriptions/



Tickets: #2