
"Row is deleted" IllegalStat...

  • mike rodent

    mike rodent - 2012-02-13

    Dear anyone,

    New to Jackcess and a bit of a pity there isn't more documentation.
    I have a table with 2 indices, the PK and another called "parent", index on
    "parent" field.
    I can delete and add rows, but occasionally following a deletion in particular
    I get this "Row is deleted" exception.
    This is a typical stack trace (NB I am using Jython rather than Java but that
    shouldn't change anything):

    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Row is
    deleted: 1892:18
    at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Table.getRow(
    at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Cursor.getCurrentRow(
    at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.IndexCursor.currentRowMatchesEntryImpl(Ind
    at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.IndexCursor$EntryIterator.findNext(IndexCu
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor7.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    My suspicion is that the Table is left in a strange state after deletion.
    Equally it might be something to do with the state of one or other of the
    indices after deletion. For the latter reason, whenever deleting I update the
    indices. But this hasn't stopped the (occasional) exceptions. Sometimes (not
    always) the table is left in a state where even in Access (Access 2000) the
    table can't be opened until I delete the "parent" index, and then recreate

    Anyone know what the problem is?

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-13

    do you have some code you can share showing how you interact w/ jackcess?

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-15

    it's hard to give guidance with out seeing some of your code.

  • mike rodent

    mike rodent - 2012-02-16

    Thanks... I've made a bit of progress since but am still wanting more info.
    The situation is a very simple one: a table in a dbase has 2 indexes: the
    Primary Key (on ID, unique), and an index permitting duplicates on a field
    called "parent". When I locate to a given ID, using pkIndexCursor, and then
    delete a row, I then update the index from which pkIndexCursor came, namely
    But what is the correct procedure with the other index on the table, namely
    First I tried parentIndex.update()... but this seems to WRITE the current
    state to the dbase.
    Then (below) I tried parentIndex.initialize(). Is this a way to get the index
    in the .mdb file itself to recreate itself taking into account that a row has
    now been defeated from the table?
    I do find there's a lack of documentation for Jackcess... specially regarding

    NB the code below is Jython rather than Java... but is very easy to understand

    assert frame.pkIndexCursor.findRowByEntry( indexValue ), "no entry found in pkIndexCursor for %s" % indexValue
    #  frame.parentIndex.update()
  • mike rodent

    mike rodent - 2012-02-16

    follow up:
    still getting the same error when I delete a row like this... i.e.
    "initialize" is not the answer...

    and I have not found any examples of deleting rows by means of a jackcess
    IndexCursor... particularly when there are more than 1 indexes on a given

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-16

    the last 3 lines are superfluous. you don't need to do anything to manage the
    indexes directly, that is handled internally by the table update logic.

    the jackcess api is pretty heavily unit tested, so you can find many examples
    for using the api in the unit tests. e.g.

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-16

    without seeing more of your code, the potential issues i can imagine are that
    you are using a single Database(and its child objects) across multiple threads
    (an individual jackcess Database does not support use by multiple threads) or
    that you have 2 separate Table instances which represent the same physical
    table and this is causing the Cursors to get out of sync.

    of course, i'm assuming you are using the latest version of jackcess.

  • mike rodent

    mike rodent - 2012-02-16


    Thanks for getting back to me... I see you are one of the main developers.
    Hopefully I can put together an short, self-contained code example in due
    course, with a pared-down .mdb file.

    so "deleteCurrentRow" on an IndexCursor should leave all indexes on a table in
    a non-anomalous state, right, good to know.
    - The multiple threads idea definitely does not apply. On the other hand
    - this access is currently being done from the EDT
    - without the "delete" command (i.e. when just navigating) everything works fine
    - I was just looking at this table again and in fact it has a dependent table on one field (the ID field, not the parent field)... and this relationship enforces referential integrity (delete & update). This has never been a problem when using a JDBC arrangement and PreparedStatements, but I wonder whether this might be an issue with Jackcess? (I've now deleted this relationship and will do some testing, although I've reverted temporarily to JBDC because of this problem).
    - yes, it's the latest version.
    - there is only one Table instance, but what about if I have created multiple IndexCursors on the same (parent) index? They are all local variables though, used in a recursive method which is responsible for setting up a JTree (each parent field points to an ID field of another record in the same table). But they are out of scope and (probably) garbage-collected by the time a delete command is given. Again, will test with a different code arrangement where only one IndexCursor exists.

    Will get back to you, thanks though.

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-17

    Yes, a standalone code example is by far the best way to get this problem

    To re-confirm, you definitely should not need to do anything manual to the
    indexes yourself in order to maintain them, all table operations should to
    that internally. there should be no problem with multiple indexes, or multiple
    cursors on the same table and/or index. and the cursors all support live table
    modification (they aren't invalidated by other table modifications).

    as for the foreign key, jackcess does not currently maintain referential
    integrity. this should cause any exceptions, it just means that you can modify
    info in the primary table and cause it to be out of sync with the dependent
    tables. basically, you currently need to maintain those relationships yourself
    (although jackcess gives you most of the tools you need, e.g. the Joiner

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-02-17

    Glancing through the code a bit, i did find one scenario which might result in
    the problem you are seeing (especially
    since you mentioned recursive calls). if you did something like the following
    you could run into problems:

    Iterator<Map<String, Object="">> iter = cursor.iterator();

    while(iter.hasNext()) {
    // ... do something here which deletes the current row...
    Map<String, Object=""> row =;

    since the table modification happens between the hasNext() call and the next()
    call, the Iterator code will not pick
    up the change to the underlying table/index and therefore does not adjust the
    current pointer. however, even if the
    iterator did recognize the change
    , all that would do is change the exception
    thrown (you would get a
    NoSuchElementException instead of the IllegalStateException). if this is
    indeed the problem, the issue isn't so much
    a problem in jackcess, but a violation of the Iterator semantics.


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