
#95 System Resource Exceeded


Hey! I have a problem I don't know am I doing something wrong or there is something wrong with MS Access... I think I am right :) Anyways So I am creating a new database with 6-7 tables. Till now my test case showed that I have a problem with MEMO fields (I've tried with DataType.MEMO and also setSQLType(Types.LONGVARCHAR) ) and everytime I put a data bigger than 50 symbols or something like this - Access says "System Resource Exceeded". When I Compact and repair the Database from the GUI - everything is ok. I don't need this - I would like the user no to be bothered with this kind of stuff. Is there another workaround? Thank you!
This is my code where I am creating the field and the table
Table tableTestCases = createTable(testCases)
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("ID", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(true))
.addIndex(new IndexBuilder(IndexBuilder.PRIMARY_KEY_NAME).addColumns("ID").setPrimaryKey())
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("testCaseName").setSQLType(Types.VARCHAR).setMaxLength().setCompressedUnicode(true).toColumn())
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Description", DataType.MEMO).setMaxLength().setCompressedUnicode(true).toColumn())
P.S. Sorry for the pasting code here. I don't know where else


  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-06-25

    What version of jackcess are you using? Are you closing the database instance after you finish writing to it? Is your database using the "general" sort order?


    Last edit: James Ahlborn 2013-06-25
  • Hristo Hristov

    Hristo Hristov - 2013-06-26

    I was using 1.2.12 after that I've saw that you have released a new version so I've downloaded 1.2.13 but still the same thing. Yes after init of the database I am closing the connection. The only way to fix this (with my research and testings) is to click the button "Compact and repair" - Also the version of the database is Database.FileFormat.V2010 (I've tried also the default one where you don't say what kind of version is the DB)
    I've decide to make a test project so you can test it and see where is my mistake (It's a swing application) There is also a config file inside where you can set the path to a database (the name of the database must always be with the extension .accdb) - just set it and the application will create automatically the new Database with the table.

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-06-26

    What text are you using to test?

    Also, looking at your code, i now realize that you aren't using jackcess to insert the text, you are using odbc. odbc is notoriously buggy (which is why jackcess was written in the first place). have you tried inserting the text using jackcess?

  • Hristo Hristov

    Hristo Hristov - 2013-06-26

    The text I am using "Once uppon a time there was one develope who made a huge mistake using a database like Access. Therefore his assignment was to do this....." :P The text must be greater than some values I think 50-60 characters in the text are enough to trigger the Exception. About ODBC - ok maybe it's buggy, but when I try to enter the information via the Access GUI (The Official Microsoft product) still gives this error. To be honest I didn't try to use Jackcess for that but still I will try. Is this product opensource - can I get the source from somewhere? If you cannot reproduce the error maybe the problem is in me. Also maybe I will try to create the database manually with queries - I don't know is this going to work or no - but I will try. Do you have some problems with my application? Is everything working (except the error I am recieving)?

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-06-27

    Seems to be some weird config constraint. I tested adding data directly through jackcess, and the data is readable just fine in ms access. the only problem comes if you try to insert the memo data using ms access.

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-07-01

    k, think i tracked down the problem. something in the memo data table setup.


    Last edit: James Ahlborn 2013-07-01
  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-07-01
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: James Ahlborn
    • Group: 1.2.12 --> 1.2.14
  • Hristo Hristov

    Hristo Hristov - 2013-07-02

    I hope you understood the problem and how to fix it. Thank you - I will wait for fix :)

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-07-05
    • status: accepted --> closed
  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-07-05

    The fixes are in trunk and will be in the 1.2.14 release.


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