
JaasLounge / News: Recent posts

JaasLounge SSO for Oracle

We are pleased to announce that an new JaasLounge SSO module for Oracle Application Server has just been committed to the SVN repository.

The new authentication API provided by Oracle, the Pluggable Identity Management Framework, is being used as the underlying mechanism.
Thus, the minimum requirement is version of OC4J.

As said previously, this module introduce the new JaasLounge libraries. These aim to provide better handle of token deconding and include the parsing of Microsoft PAC data.
PAC (Privilege Attribute Certificate) takes place as part of authorization data of a Keberos Ticket when using Active Directory as a Kerberos Key Distribution Center.
It contains the group membership list and much more information about the user account.

Posted by Laurent RUAUD 2009-04-30

PAC decoding in JaasLounge SSO

JaasLounge used to offer SSO against Active Directory at container level.
We now go further and support PAC decoding!
PAC (Privilege Attribute Certificate) is some data that takes place in the authorization data slots of a Keberos Ticket when using Active Directory as a Kerberos Key Distribution Center.
It contains the group membership list and much more information about the user account.
See more at MSDN: read more

Posted by Laurent RUAUD 2009-01-09

JaasLounge migrating...

Due to recent activity and new project objectives, JaasLounge needs to adopt up-to-date technologies.

Thus, first, current CVS repository will be replaced by a SVN one. Old source code will still be available with some little refactoring.

Then, the structure of code itself will be changed to be more accessible, more usable and modre maintainable.
We will progressivly use Maven 2 in all subprojects, including brand new ones to be announced.... read more

Posted by Laurent RUAUD 2008-12-22

JaasLounge 1.0.0RC1 release : Active Directory SSO support

JaasLounge now offers Active Directory SSO to your app server without having to modify your applications.
First supported servers for JaasLounge SSO are Tomcat 5.0.28 and above, Websphere 6.
This version also brings Jaaslounge login modules to Glassfish, Jetty, Websphere 6.
We are working on Weblogic integration for the next release. This is a release candidate version with a lot of new code, so we need feedback : do not hesitate to post in the forums.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2007-02-27

JEE 5 Glassfish server support

Jaaslounge login modules integrate easily with Glassfish security, using the Glassfish admin console.
Glassfish server support will be included in the next binary release.
Glassfish support is already available via CVS if you want to test it.
See the "glassfish support.txt" in the doc directory for explanations.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2006-03-29

JaasLounge 0.3.0 released : Active Directory support

Active Directory support is now available in JaasLounge.
You can downlad it here :
This is a beta release, feedback is welcome.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-11-12

Active Directory login module pre-release

Active Directory support is available from the CVS repository : this is a developer release, feel free to download and test.
Feedback is welcome (test system specs, number of concurrent users etc).
Official release will come as soon as the module is tested enough.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-08-31

Next release : Active Directory support

JaasLounge will support Active Directory authentication and group information retrieval in the next release.
The new login module is currently tested and will be released soon.
This is a significant step for the project : thanks to Christian for all that good job.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-07-28

Project status changed to Beta

JaasLounge is currently beta-tested in a production environment (a 30-users web-app for an industrial company).

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-05-24

New project team member

Welcome to chrisz75, who joins the project team today.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-05-24

Documentation released

Short documentation has been released for NtlmLoginModule and MapperLoginModule.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-05-20

JaasLounge 0.2.0 released

This version contains a new JAAS login module : MapperLoginModule.
Some bugs on NtlmLoginModule where fixed.
Source code has been released.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-05-19

JaasLounge 0.1.0 released

JaasLounge is a collection of platform-independent JAAS login modules. The first release offers a NTLM login module for authentication/authorization of users with a NT or Samba domain controller.
This first release has been tested with Tomcat, JBoss, and stand-alone applications.

Posted by Jerome Petit 2005-02-22