
IVI / News: Recent posts

IVI 1.0.2_1 Released

This release ensures that binary packages work with Java 1.4. The Cver packages were build with Java-1.5 compatibility

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2005-11-20

IVI 1.0.2 Released

This release contains more refactoring and a few new features (wave format files are the most obvious). IVI is now pure Java except for the simulator plugins

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2005-11-13

IVI 1.0.1_1 Released

This is a bugfix release to fix some critical issues with IVI 1.0.1.
- 1217365 - Remove IVI launch from 'Run' category
- 1218476 - Cant create a new project using the project wizard

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2005-06-11

IVI-Eclipse 1.0.1 Released

IVI 1.0.1 is released. This release changes the following:

- Simulator support is separate from the core plugins. The Cver simulator and IVI integration is now a separate package
- Windows is now supported.
- Installers for both Linux and Windows. This make installing IVI much simpler. Just grab the three binary packages from the download site and follow the instructions on the web.
- Updates/fixes to the wave window to better support the Windows platform.
- Lots of rearchitecture behind the scenes...

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2005-06-08

IVI-Eclipse 1.0.0

This is the first release of IVI-Eclipse. The release certainly is not ready for real use, but it gives a feeling for the capabilities of IVI-Eclipse.

Releases will follow that gradually increase the usability of IVI-Eclipse and make it easier to acquire IVI-Eclipse.

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2005-02-10

ivi-0.4-pre-20031121 Released

The major new feature in this release is support for the Windows platform. IVI 0.2-series had Windows support, but more work was needed to support the architecture of the 0.3/0.4-series releases...
There are also the usual list of bugfixes and minor enhancements and new features... See the release notes for full details

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-11-23

IVI 0.3-pre-20031014

New release with several sizable new features and several bugfixes. See the release notes for details...

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-10-15

IVI 0.3-pre-20030730

This release is the first in the 0.3 series of development. The 0.3 branch is considered to be pre-alpha quality. Bugs are present, and there are certain feature regressions.

Probably the biggest change of this release is that the VVP simulator
is now integrated as a separate executable rather than a library. This
allows support for the other big feature of this release: simulation
It's quite likely that some things are now broken that were not previously
broken. Please let me know of these bugs.... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-07-31

IVI 0.2-pre-20030727

This release is a minor bugfix release for the 0.2 development line. I hope that this will be one of the last 0.2-pre releases, and that the next 0.2 release will be the 0.2-stable release.
Here is a list of the bugs fixed in this release:

- Fix for Sourceforge DR777390: separators saved in a wave-format
file cause the file to be unreadable.
The problem was that separators were saved in the format file as
"add_sep", while the separator command was "add_separator". I fixed
this by allowing add_sep as well as add_separator... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-07-27

IVI 0.2-pre-20030622 Release

This release mainly fixes bugs in the previous release related to the Windows port. However, new icons have been created for the Wave Window toolbar and the full BWidget set of widgets has been merged into IVI's distribution (previously, a few were used).

- Add BWidgets to the IVI tree

- Add new toolbar and icons to Wave Window

- Make cursor modal in wave window. Toolbar buttons sets whether the cursor moves wave cursors or zooms in... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-06-22

IVI 0.2-pre-20030615 - Windows Support

IVI 0.2-pre-20030615 has been released. The major accomplishment of this release is support for the Windows platform.
There are still some issues with the Windows port, but these will be fixed by the 0.2 stable release.

With this release, I believe that IVI supports all major platforms (Unix, Mac OS X, Windows). Having major platforms supported is a major goal for the 0.2 stable release. If your favorite platform isn't supported yet, please let me know!... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-06-15

Mailing Lists

Please subscribe to and use the mail lists. If you're having trouble with IVI, the mailing lists are a good place to find help.

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-05-02

IVI 0.2-pre-20030427 Release

This release will become the first semi-stable IVI release. After a number of bug-fix releases, the 'pre' designation will be dropped for an official 0.2 release.

All in all, this release has a relatively high number of big changes.
Unfortunately, perhaps, most of these changes are not user-visible. The build
system has been extensively modified, providing better cross-platform support.
The biggest user-visible change is support for Mac OS X. Many thanks go
to Felix Bertram, who has worked long and hard to perfect the OS X port.... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-04-27

IVI 20030302 Release

This release contains a small number of new features.
One change that has been made in the release procedure is that all features/bugs are entered in the bug tracking system. You'll note that new features are identified by the tracker number
The 0.1-20030302 release adds the following

- DR 685763: Support lockable cursors. When a cursor is locked, it
may not be moved. This can be helpful in preventing
accidental movement.... read more

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-03-02

IVI 0.1-20030209 Release

Removed the last bits of Tix usage from IVI. Moved to Tcl/Tk 8.4.
Added some new features, such as better signal-move support on the wave widget.
Read the release notes for more info.

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-02-09

ivi-20030101 Released

The 20030101 release adds support for setting/getting signal values from within the simulation.
The release also fixes some misc. bugs. Please see the release notes (or ${ivi_src}/ReleaseNotes.txt) for more details.

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2003-01-02

IVI 0.1-20021110 Released

This is a development release. A few "big" features have been added. A few bugs have been fixed. Please see the release-notes for more details...
Also, see screenshots at the bottom of the 'Screenshots' page...

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2002-11-10

Pre Alpha-1 Released

The pre-alpha-1 version of Icarus Verilog Interactive has just been released. Source and precompiled (i386) versions are available.
Please see the home-page ( for a getting-started tutorial.

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2002-10-20

The Road to Pre-Alpha

I have uploaded two of the three packages that you need to run and use IVI. The IVI package isn't up just yet (I'm tracking a couple of bugs that I didn't want to afflict the real world)
I plan to have all pacakges up and ready to download and use sometime this weekend

Posted by Matthew Ballance 2002-10-17