
Iupiter 0.4 released

Iupiter 0.4 with JApplication, a small materials demo application, is online!

Changes in this version:
-General code refactoring with new packages
-Improve memory allocation management
-Better support to OpenGL Shader Language
-New bump mapping and cartoon materials implemented via GLSL shaders and fixed pipeline
-New configuration application developed in SWT
-Many bugfixes with NVIDIA, ATI and Intel graphic processors
-Full support to DevIL library for texture loading
-Great performance improvement with stencil shadows: support for two sided stencil buffer, GLSL vertex shader hardware accelerated extrusion and near-clip volumes optimization to determine whether caps are necessary
-Added directional light support
-Added support to LWJGL 0.97 alpha
-Shapes 2D initial implementation: quads and circles
-Initial GUI support with buttons, events and listeners

Posted by Vifani 2005-06-24

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