
Move request to incident (R>I) or I>R

  • Mark Stroeve

    Mark Stroeve - 2015-11-18

    We have had several users that choose a wrong option in the user portal so their ticket would be of the wrong type Incident instead of Request.

    We cant seem to find any option of way to change this. How are we supposed to correctly handle this situation?

  • Tomas

    Tomas - 2019-08-02

    Is there any solution how support agent can simply transform User Request to Incident and vice versa? Or some extension has to be created?

  • Pierre Goiffon

    Pierre Goiffon - 2019-08-02

    You should be able to create an Incident from a UserRequest and vice versa with a fined tune config of the User actions configurator extension.
    You could also code your own module to do both copy and deletion.

  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2019-08-02

    You might want to look into the free official Combodo extension "User Actions Configurator". That will help you to make an Incident from a UserRequest (or the other way around).

    You can clone the attributes from UserRequest to a new Incident (or the other way around). I'm afraid you'll have to clean up the original object yourself though if you chose this method; as far as I'm aware it allows you to "retrofit" (post some info to) the original object; but I don't think deletion is an option.

    Edit: looks like Pierre beat me to posting this :)


    Last edit: Jeffrey Bostoen 2019-08-02
    • Pierre Goiffon

      Pierre Goiffon - 2019-08-02

      I don't think deletion is an option

      I can confirm it is not :)

  • Tomas

    Tomas - 2019-08-02

    Thnx guys. Looks promissing. I will test it.


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