
Impact analysis graph limitations?

  • Lubos Dvorak

    Lubos Dvorak - 2014-11-11

    I want to use impact analysis. I imported CIs and setup the dependency: Business Solution - Application Solution - Virtual machine - Farm - Hypervizors.
    When I select Business Solution and run Other Actions - Depends On..., the graph is complete (the dependency path contains all items from Business solution to Hypervizor).
    When I select the Farm (or Hypervizor) and run Other Actions - Impact, the listing is complete but the graph shows Virtual Machines level only. It does not display neither App. Solutions nor Business Solutions.
    After deleting 10 Virtual machines of 40 the graph is displayed completely.
    I have noticed same behaviour on another Farm hosting 33 virtual machines.

    Are there any limits on the graph? Is there any application/error log that could be used for troubleshooting?
    Does anybody run into similar issue?

    Best Regards,

  • Lubos Dvorak

    Lubos Dvorak - 2014-11-24

    I have found that I can affect the behaviour of Impact analysis graph by changing Virtual Machine name.
    If VM name begins with 0,1,2,3,4 (eg. 2000PCRM004) the graph "fails". If VM begins with 5,6,7,8,9 (eg. 5000PCRM04) the impact analysis graph works well.
    I reproduced this behaviour with 2000PSB001.
    At the same time there are other VMs which names start with 2000... in the list of elements impacted.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Lubos Dvorak

    Lubos Dvorak - 2015-01-09

    Upgrade to 2.1.0


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