
Tree [6f4d96] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 ipcache 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 libopas 2014-08-13 zolty zolty [6f4d96] Mas correcciones para compilacion
 libpeak 2008-02-07 zolty zolty [6b7923] restauramos la regeneracion
 pxtarget 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures
 pxyscand 2014-08-13 zolty zolty [6f4d96] Mas correcciones para compilacion
 pxyservd 2014-08-13 zolty zolty [6f4d96] Mas correcciones para compilacion
 AUTHORS 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 COPYING 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 ChangeLog 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi... 2014-08-13 zolty zolty [6f4d96] Mas correcciones para compilacion 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures
 NEWS 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 README 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 SVN.txt 2013-09-17 zolty zolty [13e08d] Colocamos documentacion de repositorios en cada...
 aclocal.m4 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures
 configure 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures
 depcomp 2014-08-06 zolty zolty [436548] Regeneracion de los configures 2014-08-13 zolty zolty [6f4d96] Mas correcciones para compilacion
 install-sh 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 missing 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...
 mkinstalldirs 2007-11-15 zolty zolty [40f6e3] Importamos el Pxys2 para su parcheo y mantenimi...

Read Me

Undernet Proxy Scanner version 2 (pxys)

[pxys is a diminutive for ProXYScanner]

See the INSTALL file for requirements and (quick) installation instructions.

        Pxys v2 software suite package source tree

+ pxys2
    +--- ipcache (IP cache template files)
    +--- libopas (Open Proxy Ascertainment Service Library)
    +--- pxyscand (Proxyscanner daemon)
    |      |
    |      +--- px (Command line pxyscand client)
    |      |
    |      +--- src (Source code of pxyscand)
    +--- pxyservd (Undernet ircu service server daemon)
           +--- dbprim (*) (Database Primitives Library)
           +--- src (Source code of pxyservd)

Not included: libpeak (Parallel Events and Asynchronous tasKing Library)

(*) = Third party library where only configuration scripts may differ from
      the original source.

Source code of a LRU IP cache model, which is used in both daemons (pxyscand
and pxyservd). It's not a library but more a template to instantiate directly
in each program. A quick check of the defines in ipcache_template.c will show
you why it's like that. pxyservd only uses it as a little "level 1" cache but
pxyscand make heavy usage of it to store last recently used proxy and non
proxy IPs. It's used in conjonction of libpeak in both programs to improve
memory allocation and time stuffs.

The OPAS Library helps communications between pxyscand and pxyservd. It
implements the OPAS (binary) protocol as defined in libopas/draft-opas-1.txt.
It's based on a simple query/reply concept and is able to encapsulate user
defined messages, thus the transport channel can be used for several purposes.

Our proxy scanner daemon. The only code in C++ here, I guess. It implements
an OPAS server to communicate with OPAS clients (like pxyservd). There is
a base class (PXScanModule) to overload when you write a new scan type, check
out the existing scan modules like, it's not hard to add new
type of scan!

IRCU (Undernet ircd) service server daemon. Compatible with ircu2.10.10+,
it's an interface between the IRC network and pxyscand. It creates a server
which links to the network. It communicates with pxyscand to check the users
and glines the proxies. It has a logging system with a daily rotation that
your abuse team will enjoy. It uses Kevin L Mitchell dbprim library. This
library offers a very efficient (for CPU and memory) and convenient way to
work especially with linked lists, hash tables and sparse matrix, which are
used a lot in such a service.
Additionally, pxyservd creates a virtual client on the network, which acts
like an interface between coders/opers and the daemon. We can say it's an
oper service, however it's willingly limited to proxy related and statisticals
stuffs. If you want a complete IRCU services suite, try GNUWorld at

pxtarget - A daemon answering to forwarded (from open proxies) queries and
           replying with a sha256 hash. (based on a shared secret + a
pscheck -  Command line tool to verify a pxtarget daemon is running

S. Thiell
$Id: README,v 1.2 2006/09/11 22:46:58 spale Exp $