
SIG - Script Installer Generator / News: Recent posts

Tutorial #3 is now available

Tutorial #3: Working with registry keys is now available. You can check it out here...

Posted by Robert Segal 2006-01-04

Website is up!

Finally got a website in place. What are you waiting for, check it out!

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-11-30

NSIS wiki page

I would definitely like to setup or start an NSIS wiki page ( for this tool. Anyone want to set that up for me? Give me a ring.

-Rob (

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-10-21

Website work in progress

I've started putting in some effort into a competent looking website. Still needs alot of work and I am but one person. If you'd like to help out I can use it just about everywhere. Documentation, page design, images, etc. Drop me a line ( if you've got the time to lend a hand.

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-10-19

phpBB forums setup for use

I've setup a phpBB forum for discussion. You can access it here

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-10-06

0.72 is out!

I've put out two different version with this release which includes the source files but is 7 megs! Not what I'm looking for in a small MFC app. The other version excludes the source files which should be much more manageable for many of you.

One more thing. Who are you people? I notice 4 people are monitoring for new releases. Let me know what you think! Please! What do you like? What do you hate? Give it to me I shall bestow upon an application the likes of which you have never seen. Or something like that anyway.

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-09-23

Next version

Yeh I know. I didn't get out 1.0 in July or August. The great overlord that is my work dictated alot of stuff. I hope to have something out shortly. Stick with me people.

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-09-12

Source is now in CVS

Yeh I finally put up the source for CVS access. Go get it now! What are you waiting for!

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-08-11

SIG 1.0 in July or August

I'm looking at july or august for relase of SIG 1.0 . 1.0 will see the release of alot of cool features and fixes. I'm really looking forward to it, that will place SIG as a very strong free alternative to using something like Wise or InstallShield. Again if you're actually following this project let me know I can see people are downloading it but no ones talking! Talk to me people!

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-06-12

SIG 0.7 released

Finally got around to uploading 0.7 . I've put in a cool new feature of being able to ignore relative path names for inclusion of folders and filtered file paths. This means if say you want to include the windows installation directory in an installer but you want to ignore all the dlls in the system32 folder all in one file inclusion command you can.

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-06-12

No I'm not dead yet

So I notice people are still visiting the SIG home page. It ain't dead yet, I got a few nice bug fixes and feature additions coming down the pipe. Keep the faith.

Posted by Robert Segal 2005-05-30

New version before the end of the year

I'm pleased that people seem to be downloading SIG. If you have any feedback at all be sure to let me know.

Should have a new version out before the end of the year with mainly bug fixes. I don't have any new features planned for now because they usually take a good chunk of time to implement. I'm only one person so progress is slow.

Could definitely use some help. If you're intersted in helping out please let me know.

Posted by Robert Segal 2004-11-25

SIG 0.6 released

It's not totally completely but now I've got some basic help so you can start to figure out how the hell you can get anything done using SIG.

Posted by Robert Segal 2004-08-22

SIG 0.5a released

So 0.5 didn't include all the DLL's you needed so I've release 0.5a which does include them all. There are some MS DLL's included as well which you may or may not be prompted for.

Posted by Robert Segal 2004-07-01

SIG 0.5 released

The first publicly available verison of SIG is now available. You will need to download the latest version of Xerces C++ XML parser for it to work properly. This can be done here...

Posted by Robert Segal 2004-06-29