
InspIRCd 1.0.0-stable released

At last, after over three years of development, InspIRCd has finally reached 1.0-Final! The 1.0-Final release marks the point where we consider InspIRCd ready for production use on production networks, with enough features to be usable on any network from one user to ten thousand and above. For those of you who don't know what InspIRCd is yet, it is a scaleable, high performance expandable IRC server package, which offers many of the features of other IRC servers in a well designed modular form.

What's New In 1.0.0?

* SSL Support

InspIRCd now has SSL support - SSL in InspIRCd is modular, and can be loaded at runtime, unloaded at runtime and upgraded on the fly. Choose between the high performance GnuTLS library, or the more standard OpenSSL library.

* SSL-Only Channels

InspIRCd now has SSL-Only channels (channel mode +z) allowing for secure communities.

* Message/Notice Flood Protection

InspIRCd now has channel mode +f, which can prevent message or notice floods server side, and without needing a bot or services.

* Join Flood/Cycle Flood Protection

InspIRCd has join-flood protection (channel mode +j), which can prevent join flooding, for example through clone attacks or repeatedly cycling the channel.

* Server-Side Autorejoin Prevention

Do auto-rejoins annoy you? InspIRCd can now prevent them using channel mode +J, which forbids joins for a specified number of seconds after a kick!

* Optional SHA-256 Oper Password Hashing

You can now optionally hash your oper passwords using the industry standard SHA-256 hashing algorithm.

* Ban Exceptions and Invite Exceptions As Standard

The +e and +I channel modes, which were previously third-party modules are now included as standard with InspIRCd.

* Optional IP-Hiding For Servers

Using IP Hiding, you can hide the IP addresses of your hubs from opers, keeping information on your network in the hands of only those who need to know it.

* Now With Optional Authenticated Vhosts

Authenticated vhosts allow you to set virtual hosts on users in a similar way to UnrealIRCd's /VHOST command, using a username and password.

* Can now Change The /VERSION Response!

InspIRCd now allows you to change the second portion of the VERSION text, so you can for example name and version your server configs.

InspIRCd Features

* Support for modern socket engines such as epoll and kqueue - scales to potentially tens of thousands of clients.
* Windows and *nix support - works on freebsd, works on windows xp, works on dead badgers (
* Powerful totally modular design - Dont like it? Dont load it!
* Modular linking support - Allows for changes to the linking protocol in the future
* Optional SQL support (SQL authentication, SQL oper, SQL logging) - Centralized management of users and opers
* Spamfilter support - Block spambots, floodbots, trojans and viruses
* Support for a large number of modes found in other ircds - You don't need to sacrifice features to migrate your network to InspIRCd!
* Free versions of the paid modules of other ircds - Other ircd developers might make you pay, but we dont.
* Host masking/cloaking - Added security for users and opers on your network
* User parking - Disconnect, then come back later as if you'd never left!
* Timed bans - Have the server automatically remove bans for you, even if your client does not support it or you arent online
* Supported by atheme, ircservices, anope, denora etc. - Use the services you want, not the services we want (usually Image:Tongue.gif)
* Tidy efficient object-oriented codebase - Does the same thing other ircds do, with less!

Where To Get Support

You can get support for inspircd on our irc server (irc://, or on our forums (

Posted by Craig Edwards 2006-02-01

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