
INScore / News: Recent posts

Version 0.96 is available

A new release of INScore is available from the file release system.
It includes a lot of new features, including Faust plugins support and javascript support in INScore files.
See the change log for more details.

Posted by Dominique Fober 2011-12-09

INScore version 0.74

INScore version 0.74 is available ! It provides exciting new features:
- multiple scenes support
- files drag & drop to the application icon or to a scene window
- extended support for interaction events
See the change log for all details.

Posted by Dominique Fober 2011-03-10

INScore v.0.63

Version 0.63 of the INScore Viewer is available.
Changes introduced by this version:
- new 'mousemove' event
- interaction messages accept variables ($x, $y, $date...)
- new 'svg' and 'svgf' types for svg components
- set line message change: the x y form is deprecated, it is replaced by the following forms:
'xy' x y equivalent to the former form
'wa' width angle

Posted by Dominique Fober 2011-01-25