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  • Lost_Penguin

    Lost_Penguin - 2006-09-27

    I need some advice, I'm a total n00b when it comes to the Linux world but I am trying to learn. I recently installed Inprotect on my Suse 10.0 box which I use for Nessus Vulnerablity Scans. When I finished the installation and verified that the web console was created I tried to bring it up in a browser but I don't get anything when I try to do it on the local host. What am I doing wrong or what should I be looking at to trouble shoot this?

  • A User

    A User - 2006-09-29


    Check if Apache is running on the host - this is the webserver normally found in Linux distros. Open up a console and type:

    ps -aux | grep http

    If the process isn't there, it's not running. You will then need to check the Suse documentation to find out if Apache is installed. If it is, make sure it is configured to run at system startup and that it will serve pages from wherever you installed Inprotect (default is /var/www/html).

    I hope this helps.




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