
imodz / News: Recent posts

Trabalhando / Working

J estou trabalhndo na nova verso (1.3) do iModz. Provavelmente teremos GRANDES mudanas quanto ao visual, mas at agora no tem muitas inovaes para o uso dele.

I'm already working on the new 1.3 version. It's going to have BIG changes, but not much new features till now.

Posted by Fernando Lucas Silva Lins dos S 2004-01-25

New version available

New iModz 1.2 v89 with full Panther support - Source code also available. Please read the read me and / or GNU GPL licences agreement.
Thank you. Have fun.

Posted by Fernando Lucas Silva Lins dos S 2003-12-10


iModz now on Source Forge. Thanks to everyone who believe in our project and downloads our software. Thanks to the beta testers, users and inspiration. Oh, and the developers too ;-)

Posted by Fernando Lucas Silva Lins dos S 2003-12-06