

Alex O'Connor

This is project I worked on for my Computer Forensics course. While the project has already been submitted, it still needs work, any help is appreciated.

As of right now both the client and server are working at the most basic level. They are able to image with minimal options for DD and netcat. Some of the additional features of DD do work with the two programs, while others do need to be fixed. In particular the options in the programs with drop down boxes are not functional when piecing the DD command together; I need to figure out how to pull the selected choice. I also want to modify the way those options work so that user may select more than one option in some cases, like the conversion option. I also need to figure out how to kill the thread that calls the copy method without killing the whole program, until this is done the server must be terminated if one would like to change the options they made before starting it. There’s a few small things that need to be fixed as well, like the exit button on the client, otherwise I would like to go through the code and clean it up a bit and maybe improve it. Also strange problem I’ve yet to figure out, trying to send large files results in DD not sending anything at all, the client reads 0 bytes. I think this may have something to do with the size over TCP and may just need to send small chunks.