
#1686 Error 502 often...


Hello there,

I often get the attached error 502:

No Server or forwarder data received ...

I've set in my config:

forwarded-connect-retries 10
forward-socks5t / .

No Firewall or Antivirus software installed.

but I still often receive this weird error... does anyone has an idea?

1 Attachments


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  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2015-06-01

    This is unlikely to be a Privoxy problem, but you could increase
    the log level for a while to see if the problem occurs on certain
    sites or at certain times only which might help to analyze the
    cause of the problem.

    It might also help to check the log of the socks proxy for error

    Note that the forwarded-connect-retries directive is not
    expected to help in this case as the connection was
    established successfully.

    • G4JC

      G4JC - 2015-06-07

      I am able to reproduce this bug.

      Use DuckDuckGo's public hidden service: http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/html/
      Try to search anything with privoxy+TOR --> 502
      I tried tinkering with keep-alive-timeout, 0 and 300 made no difference.

      • Fabian Keil

        Fabian Keil - 2015-06-09

        In case of potentially overloaded onion services the error message
        is unlikely to indicate a Privoxy bug.

  • G4JC

    G4JC - 2015-06-10

    I don't think that DDG is overloaded since it continues to work fine when using SOCKS directly.

    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-06-10

      To confirm (or more likely rule out) that this is a Privoxy problem,
      please reproduce the issue with logging enabled and attach a log excerpt.

      I'm reasonably sure that the log will show that Tor accepts the connection
      and then closes it after receiving the HTTP request without delivering
      a response. In that situation the error message is expected.

      If you don't trust the Privoxy log you may want to use tcpdump or wireshark

  • Peter Müller

    Peter Müller - 2015-06-10

    How can I activate logging in privoxy? My Vidalia TOR logs don't show any problems....

    Okay I think I've found the option and added to the config file:
    debug 512

    But I cannot really find a new folder under my windows 8 program folder that is called "logs" or similar? What am I doing wrong?

    Okay I've found out the file is called "privoxy.log" but it is still empty... - why?

    Okay I've found out, that now the logfiles go into the window of privoxy but the file privoxy.log is still empty...

    Okay I found out that it might be because of writing-rights to program folder under windows. Is it possible to change the path to the logdir and if yes, how exactly? Changing the permission rights didn't make any changes...


    Last edit: Peter Müller 2015-06-10
  • G4JC

    G4JC - 2015-06-13

    FYI, TOR debug info can be found here:

    There were no apparent errors in TOR even with high logging enabled. TOR is clearly receiving the requests, but for whatever reason privoxy throws a 502.

    Interestingly, this is only easily reproducible after a POST request for me.
    In the following log file you will see I sent a query "test" to DDG, which fails, followed by navigating to DDG homepage (which works fine), and then searching again for "test" which fails (again).

    Debugs enabled:
    debug 2
    debug 16
    debug 1024
    debug 32768


    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-06-14

      Unfortunately I can't access the pastebin URL without compromising
      my security settings due to cloudflare garbage, for details see:

      Please attach the logfile to the request or use a reasonable
      file hoster that does not blacklist Tor exit relays or requires
      remote code execution to access a textfile.

      Note that the Tor client does not analyse the traffic it relays
      to and from the onion service. If the HTTP server accepts the
      connection, reads the HTTP request and then closes the connection
      without sending data, this is unlikely to result in a Tor error
      message (I didn't check, though). If the log is verbose enough
      it should tell you how much bytes were transmitted to Privoxy,

      • G4JC

        G4JC - 2015-06-14

        Cloudflare is truly aggravating lately. Try this:

        The tor log (even on "debug" setting) only gives route and connect success information, not bytes transmitted that I could find.

        • Fabian Keil

          Fabian Keil - 2015-06-14

          Are you sure you uploaded the right log file?

          The log excerpt shows Privoxy delivering a 503 error message
          after its socks request got rejected (time: 16:31:54.446).

          This ticket is about 502 error messages after the socks
          request is accepted.

          The Tor log should contain entries matching "written", "read",
          "Read", "bytes" etc. Using a packet sniffer might be more
          convenient than trying to get the information out of the Tor

          • G4JC

            G4JC - 2015-06-15

            It seems the last pastebin cropped off my logs, I decided to truncate some of the [read]/[write] jibberish and start a fresh.

            Privoxy log:


            TOR log:

            I can do a packet capture too if you want, but you can see that the TOR log reveals it did connect at the 8:36 mark.

            • Fabian Keil

              Fabian Keil - 2015-06-15

              Thanks for the additional logs.

              The Privoxy log shows that Tor indeed closed the socks connection
              without delivering a HTTP response first, thus Privoxy's 502 error
              message is completely appropriate.

              The Tor log suggests that Tor actually forwarded Privoxy's
              HTTP request ("Sending up to 415 + 0 bytes") but did not
              get any HTTP data back.

              It's a bit suspicious that the
              "end cell (closed normally) for stream 55137. Removing stream"
              message occurs 30 seconds after the
              "'connected' received"
              message. This could indicates that a timeout is triggered
              on the hidden service before the HTTP server manages to
              deal with the request.

              Without access to the logs from the hidden service trying to
              analyze this further is probably pointless.

              The only thing Privoxy could do about this is to (optionally)
              retry socks requests if the connection gets closed without
              any HTTP data being sent. Of course this would further increase
              the load on the hidden service, so it's not guaranteed
              to actually improve the user experience. Additionally the
              server may end up processing the HTTP request twice which may
              have unintended side-effects.

              • G4JC

                G4JC - 2015-06-16

                Coincidentally I've been working on a bug from behind a hidden service for searx, and I have the logs. I believe these two problems are related. It causes a broken pipe timeout server side. Check it out here:

                This is definitely some sort of timeout issue.

                • Fabian Keil

                  Fabian Keil - 2015-06-17

                  The hidden service http://ulrn6sryqaifefld.onion/ referenced
                  in the github issue seems to work reliably for me. I haven't tried
                  the AJAX bits, though.

  • Peter Müller

    Peter Müller - 2015-06-17

    Hello there,

    I've found out how logging works and I could reproduce the error and I also think, that I've found out the moment when the error happened.

    I attached my whole tor-logfile and whole privoxy-logfile. (And censored the website because of privacy reasons).
    Also I uploaded an excerpt of my whole tor-logfile and whole privoxy-logfile, in which I think the error 502 occoured.

    Have you an idea why it happened and how I can solve it?

    Thanks in advance!


    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-06-17

      Thanks a lot for the log files.

      They seem to suggest that this may be a Privoxy bug after all
      (Privoxy's request looks incomplete).

      G4JC, your log shows the same issue, I just overlooked it previously.

      Please try temporarily using forward-socks5 instead of
      forward-socks5t to see if this works around the problem.

      Unfortunately I don't have more time right now, but I intent to
      look into analysing the cause of the problem tomorrow.

      • G4JC

        G4JC - 2015-06-18

        I can confirm that after removing the "t" from the config file, I am unable to reproduce this issue.

  • Peter Müller

    Peter Müller - 2015-06-22

    Thank you very much!
    I'll try it out and if it still shows me error 502 I will tell you.

    Unfortunately for me it didn't help.
    I still get the same error and also I haven't tried the suggestion what I will try out now:
    "If you get this message very often, consider disabling connection-sharing (which should be off by default). If that doesn't help, you may have to additionally disable support for connection keep-alive by setting keep-alive-timeout to 0. "

    Probably it doesn't work, what else could I do?

    I still get error 502 ...
    Could it be because I only have DSL2000?


    Last edit: Peter Müller 2015-06-22
    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-06-22

      Please provide a a log excerpt for the problem occurring with forward-socks5.

      You also may want to make sure that
      confirms that forward-socks5 is actually being used.

      For the problem I fixed in CVS the local Internet connection
      shouldn't matter, especially if Privoxy and the socks server
      are running on the same system.

  • Peter Müller

    Peter Müller - 2015-06-29


    I've checked and everytime it says the correct thing, that it's forwared correctly through socks5 instead of socks5t.

    I'm getting this error now:

    Forwarding failure

    Privoxy was unable to socks5-forward your request through Socks5 TTL expired

    Maybe this is now another error? Does this mean that TOR was not available at that time?

    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-06-29

      This is indeed another problem.

      It means that the Tor client tried to connect to the destination
      server but got a timeout before the connection was established.

  • Peter Müller

    Peter Müller - 2015-06-29

    Okay thanks.
    I've found out that when I click on "get new identity" on the vidalia contorl panel and wait a few seconds this problem doesn't occour.
    Have you any idea to tell Vidalia (or TOR) to get a new identity i.e. every 15 minutes automatically?

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