
#1680 chrome browser is unable to reopen tabs : error page from privoxy


i use chrome and have about 6 to 8 windows with a lot of tabs opened . it uses 6 Go of ram .
when i close and relaunch it there are a lot of tabs that are showing the error message from privoxy that is installed on a mint 17.1 machine . browser is on a win 10 machine , if i connect to the web the win 10 pc , is able to correctly reopen all tabs , while with privoxy even a reload of link is not able to show page


  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2015-03-19

    Please post "the error message from privoxy". It could be relevant ...


  • grml4d

    grml4d - 2015-03-20

    the error is : 503 connect failed
    i also made a picture with my history : it is with two windows : one is a screen capture of the chrome history and the second is the history chrome window with history below the page of the screen-captured : i used the keyb prt-scr to make it in 1920x1080

    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-03-20

      Please post the whole error message (or a screen shot thereof).

      A log excerpt may also be helpful. For details see:


  • grml4d

    grml4d - 2015-03-20

    yesterday i closed a lot of windows when i opened my chrome with its two windows the bug was not there . after looking in recently closed tabs i saw 16 and 12 . in fact it was twice the same tabs and the bug reoccurred....
    i have 502 and 503 error web pages

    i closed two windows and then chrome and relaunched it and it shows normaly the pages ...
    i would like to try the latest release of you but you make no deb...
    my mint 17.1 server is also having ziproxy and squid3 plus webmin all installed from deb packages using mint synaptic

  • grml4d

    grml4d - 2015-03-21

    the error seems to start happening after three windows and 40 to 50 tabs

  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2016-03-21
    • status: open --> pending
  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2016-03-21

    More recent Privoxy versions should be available as deb now.


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