
#882 3.0.21 osx .pkg fails installation on Yosemite in postinstall

version 3.0.21
Erik Purins

An upgrade to Yosemite breaks a working installation of privoxy from the provided .pkg file. There was a bit of work getting to work correctly on Mavericks in the first place (fix of plist file / launch daemon by hand).

I figured, I could clean out the installation and reinstall the .pkg again, but the 3.0.21 .pkg has errors in postinstall script on yosemite.

At the failure point in /var/log/install.log, I have:

Oct 31 06:45:59 <hostname> installd[965]: PackageKit: Executing script "./postinstall" in /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.BOeted/Scripts/org.ijbswa.privoxy.pkg.3MJouV
Oct 31 06:45:59 <hostname> installd[965]: ./postinstall: install: privoxy: Invalid argument

Up from there in preinstall, there is another error that is perhaps masked (preinstall succeeds):

Oct 31 06:45:59 <hostname> installd[965]: ./preinstall: /tmp/PKInstallSandbox.BOeted/Scripts/org.ijbswa.privoxy.pkg.3MJouV/preinstall: line 100: [: privoxy: binary operator expected

It looks from the log like this happens in 'Privoxy%203.0.21%2064%20bit.pkg#pkgContent.pkg' scripts.


  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Is it possible that the packaging toolchain isn't productbuild/productsign creating a flat package? We had to re-engineer our setup at work awhile back. Maybe yosemite is really strict about something that didn't matter before.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Starting with the preinstall error, it looks like I have two privoxy groups. Not sure what's up with that (maybe some hand-installation for mac ports I tried many moons ago). Moving on to postinstall.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Here's my privoxy_installation.log. It never made it past installing default.action.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Ah, the group is probably exactly related. /usr/bin/install takes an owner and group arg, and it's probably trying to use the invalid group seen in the log. Let me see if I can clean those out and re-install.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Cleaning out the groups fixes the preinstall message, but install fails in the same place.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    Hrm. /usr/bin/dscl will let one make a user name _privoxy, but the 'chown _privoxy <file>' command states 'illegal user name'. Chgrp still works with groups that start with underscore.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    If I manually run the steps to create the _privoxy user with dscl (user exists before installation), the install completes ok.

  • Erik Purins

    Erik Purins - 2014-10-31

    The installed service doesn't seem to run ok, but that would be a different issue. Manually running 'sudo /bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ijbswa.privoxy.plist' prints

    /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ijbswa.privoxy.plist: Operation already in progress

    but the operation never completes. I'll have to trouble shoot that later.


    Last edit: Erik Purins 2014-10-31
  • cjpragman

    cjpragman - 2014-11-02

    I just un-installed and reinstalled on 2 yosemite machines. No issues like this on either one.


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