
#57 fadeover trouble

v1.0 (example)

in using IDJC, I find that the playlist mode alternate works fine but fade over is inconsistent at best. What am I doing wrong. Thanks


  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-04

    Hi same problem, IDJC will play and crossfade "Autodj" style, but always fails after several tracks have been played (Player just stops at end of track)

    I am using an imported playlist of type m3u

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Which version are you using?

  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-05

    version 0.8.8, I will do extended testing, give me a few days so I can provide you more info

  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-05

    Hi Stephen,

    Had it running with several thousand tracks in each player, with both set to fade over. I noticed that some tracks reached the end, then no crossfade and both players stop.

    Bug happens each time particular tracks are played. I opened each track that produced the bug, and they all have extra silence at the end.

    Un-ticking "End tracks containing long passages of silence" solves the bug, but then IDJC plays and crossfades the silence, so not ideal solution.

    Hope this initial info helps, I will continue running tests.


  • Stephen Fairchild

    That is very useful information. Thanks.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Fix pushed for the mid track silence killer bad interaction with Fade Across playlist mode.

  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-17

    how do I obtain the fix?

  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-17

    Great! have 0.8.14 running :) will let you know how it performs
    Thanks :)


  • Aerogate

    Aerogate - 2014-02-19

    Just to let you know problem is now resolved, IDJC been hapilly crossfading away for over 24hrs now :)


  • Niko Nikitoglou

    Niko Nikitoglou - 2015-09-19

    Hello everyone!
    First of all, congratulations for this nice software.
    I have installed IDJC v0.8.15 ( jackd v0.124.1 ) on a lubuntu linux and managed to successfully broadcast for some few hours. Everythink until now seen to function allright, except the "Fade Over". This just dont works when i have set Fade time to 5 or 10 seconds. It 'works' when Fade time is set to 'None'. Am i missing something here, is there something that prevents it from fading? I am able to do manual crossfades w the 'Pass' button, or by dragging the 'Crossfader' slider.
    I'm attaching a program screenshot, in case this helps somehow. Please ask whatever you need.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Stephen Fairchild

    You found a bug!!! I note that your crossfade time is set to 1.5 seconds. Personally I prefer 10.0 seconds.

  • Niko Nikitoglou

    Niko Nikitoglou - 2015-09-20

    a-ha! you mean that you verified this behavior?
    i hope that you will try to correct this bug somehow, because specially this 'Fade Over' function is really comfortable when i speak on the mic at the same time, leaves me concentrate to what a say...

    usually i prefer a crossfade time about 5 seconds, but that's a matter of personal taste... ;)

    thanks for the fast reply, i hope you find and kill the damn bug really easy :)

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Niko, it's fixed in the GIT sources.

  • Niko Nikitoglou

    Niko Nikitoglou - 2015-09-23

    Thanks, you are the man! ;)

  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> closed

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