
#32 Fade volume when turning on mics


I been making radio for all my life and after testing IDJC for our radio-station, we came to the following: It would be sweet if IDJC had an option to fade to a certain volume when you press the microphone button. That could be either defined in options or at the main screen on the volume bar. Also it would be sweet if the main volume bar had a slider next to it where you can set te fade volume and a button beneath it to fade to that volume ( so you can also fade without pushing the mic button ). The button and or mic fade should be customizable.


  • Stephen Fairchild

    Want to adjust the mic fade (implemented as far back as 2005 IIRC)?

    Prefs->Microphones->[scroll down]General Mic Options->Player headroom when a microphone is open (dB). Adjust as necessary.

    Want a mic fade force on button?

    Assuming Mic audio port 4 is not being used for anything:
    Prefs->JACK Ports->mic_in_4 - [Auto]=off [Text]=blank [Set] [Save]
    Prefs->Microphones->4 - [Simple] [Button group]=off Heading(next to the 4)=[Fade only]

    To free up an extra mic audio port: Prefs->General->These settings take effect after restarting->Microphone audio channels=+2 and restart IDJC.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next Release (example)

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