
#18 coloured buttons and sorting playlists


Stephen ,

Could i possibly request a change to the button colours , when you press the mic button could you please make the colour red or something that stands out , same for the other buttons ,i am constantly forgetting to switch off the mic and at a glance can never see whats pressed or not pressed .

is there someway of being able to sort the loaded playlist , alpabeticaly , whats been played already etc .

Thanks again for the best software out there .

Rowan Francis


  • Stephen Fairchild

    Button background is difficult due to GTKs stupid toggle button mouse-over pre-light. As you know it goes dark if you use the Clearlooks theme and don't have the mouse hovering over it. A better solution would be to just change the microphone graphic from outline to filled and have it start to flash a few seconds after starting a track.

    Sorting alphabetically makes sense in random mode for finding tracks.

    Tracks played marking is easy to do.

  • Rowan Francis

    Rowan Francis - 2010-10-31

    thanks for the reply , yah have bumped heads with themes before , can i carry out the changes you suggest or must i wait for an update ?/



  • Stephen Fairchild

    I can lay off these for a week or three if that's what you want. Programming is hard though.

  • Rowan Francis

    Rowan Francis - 2010-10-31

    Stephen ,

    Sorry what i was asking if there was a config file that i could change to alter the colours in some way , if not and this needs to be hard coded into it , then i hope you can put it in the next update .



  • Stephen Fairchild

    Mic buttons now have better indication. The mic icon changes to one with a halo effect if on and the mic even starts to blink if the player is working as a reminder to turn the mic off.

  • Rowan Francis

    Rowan Francis - 2010-11-07

    Stephen ,

    Many thanks for the update , just one small question , how best should i update it , should i get your files and recompile IDJC , or is there a better way .



  • Stephen Fairchild

    I don't normally do this but...

  • Rowan Francis

    Rowan Francis - 2010-11-09

    Stephen ,

    Been to the link a few times . keeps saying the file is not available !!.



  • Stephen Fairchild

    You have to enter the code in the Captcha click the button, wait for the timer to run out 45 seconds.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> closed

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