
IceMe / News: Recent posts

now 1.1.1 is out

It turns out that the preview bug was a syntom of a bug that didn't display xpm's correctly. This should now be fixed.

Now, on to 1.2 -- whatever that may be.

Posted by Mike Hostetler 2003-02-19

1.1 is out

I've released 1.1 -- my first release as a maintainer. Not much has changed -- the biggest difference is better icon support.

There seems to be a problem with preview -- icons on the Toolbar don't appear. I can't figure out why -- but I released this because it's been too long (most of the changes I put in when I first took over) so I released what I had anyway.

Posted by Mike Hostetler 2003-02-19

IceMe -- under new management

Hello, I'm Mike Hostetler. I had a few ideas of where to take IceMe, and asked Dirk if he would be interested in passing the reins over to me. And he did quite willingly.

Things that will be added, some sooner than others:
* check for changes to any of the three menus and ask on quit without save
* use Distutils for package management
* create Preferences editor
* have IceMe find other icons besides *_16x16.xpm and mini/*.xpm files... read more

Posted by Mike Hostetler 2002-09-27

IceMe-1.0.0 is available

IceMe, the graphical menu editor for IceWM, seems to be complete and stable enough to go for a full version number. Check it out!

Posted by Dirk Möbius 2000-06-03

IceMe 0.4.0 available

IceMe is a graphical menu editor for IceWM.

This release contains a new shortcut editor, which lets you edit the contents of IceWM's keys file.

Lots of bugfixes. Thanks to all users who reported them.

Visit IceMe at .

Posted by Dirk Möbius 2000-05-24

IceMe 0.3.0 available

This release fixes the "NameError: GdkColor" problem that some users reported, and adds a new "Preview Menu" function, that lets you view the menu as it would be displayed by IceWM.

Posted by Dirk Möbius 2000-05-21

IceMe 0.2 available

IceMe is a graphical menu editor for IceWM, written in Python and GTK.

This release fixes some path and icon resource problems.


Posted by Dirk Möbius 2000-05-19

IceMe - a menu editor for IceWM

This is the initial release.

IceMe is a new graphical menu editor for the window manager IceWM written in Python and GTK+. It allows editing with drag and drop as well as cut/paste.

You need the python GTK+ bindings (pygtk) for it to work. More information can be found on the homepage:


Posted by Dirk Möbius 2000-05-19