
#47 VCARD: having an URI as the value of TEL property is bad

Alpha (0.9.x)
vCard (11)

I have lots of files with telephone numbers that contain spaces. This breaks the builder. I see no benefit from having an URI. There is no code that normalizes the telephone number to the URI form (E.164 or RFC 3966). In a general case it might be difficult to do. I propose to use plain strings for this purpose.


  • Antoni Mylka

    Antoni Mylka - 2009-02-26
  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2009-02-26

    Hmm, the spec does say that this property should be a URI, however I'm happy to consider having a fallback plain text field for when a URI doesn't parse..

    As the vCard 4.0 spec is still a draft this is probably something that should be raised with the spec. maintainers. If you would rather not do it I can see if I can forward this issue to them and see what they say.


  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2009-02-26
    • labels: --> vCard
    • assigned_to: nobody --> fortuna
    • milestone: --> Alpha (0.9.x)
    • status: open --> pending-rejected
  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2009-02-26

    Ok, I had a pretty lengthy discussion with the vCard maintainers and they seem pretty adamant that you can convert any telephone number to a URI consistently - see this link for details:

    So I have applied a change to the Telephone class that will replace all spaces with a hyphen ('-') character. So far this seems to work with the current set of examples, let me know if you have further issues with this.


  • Antoni Mylka

    Antoni Mylka - 2009-02-26
    • status: pending-rejected --> open-rejected
  • Antoni Mylka

    Antoni Mylka - 2009-02-26

    Great, thanks for clarifying this.

    Though, if we're supposed to use URIs, then why not add the tel: prefix in front of that string. Then the getValue method would return the number (without the tel: prefix), and the getURI method would return the full proper tel: uri as per RFC3966.

  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2009-02-27

    Yup I've added the "tel:" scheme now where it isn't specified. Was debating whether to do it for compatibility with prior versions, but I think it makes sense to conform to vCard 4.0 for now.

    Changes now in CVS.

  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2009-02-28
    • status: open-rejected --> closed-rejected

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