
ical4j-connector..possible bug

  • andrew

    andrew - 2011-12-07


    Apologies in advance if the bug lies between my chair and my keyboard, but…

    Ive been trying to get the connector to work with google's calendar using the following code..

    url = new URL("https", "", 443, "/");
    CalDavCalendarStore store = new CalDavCalendarStore("-//MacTI//WOCal//EN", url, PathResolver.GCAL);       
    store.connect("andrewbuzzhives", "buzzandrewhives".toCharArray());

    and I get the following error
    net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.FailedOperationException: Principals not found at

    where  should be

    looking through the code for connect() I noticed…

    final String principalPath = pathResolver.getPrincipalPath(username);
            final String userPath = pathResolver.getUserPath(getUserName());
            davClient = new DavClient(rootUrl, principalPath, userPath);
            davClient.begin(username, password);

            this.username = username;

    pathResolver.getUserPath(getUserName()); is called before username is set, so it will always return null.  Id really appreciate a bit of advice about this as I am very stuck on my first job out of uni.


  • Pascal Robert

    Pascal Robert - 2011-12-07

    Remove the slash in the URL call, and remove the ; after too. So the URL should be:

    new URL("https", "", 443, "");

  • Pascal Robert

    Pascal Robert - 2011-12-07

    Ah, the ; was added by the forum, it added it for me too. But anyway you need to remove the slash in the last argument on the URL constructor.

  • andrew

    andrew - 2011-12-08

    Hi thanks for the reply :)  It seems the problem was with the username I was using in

    store.connect("andrewbuzzhives", "buzzandrewhives".toCharArray());

    it should be store.connect("", "buzzandrewhives".toCharArray());


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-07-05

    please, I need help with removeCalendar, as I seem to be able to remove from for instance Baïkal server, but the same code is not working with google:
    collection.getCalendar(uids); - gives me Calendar object and this is OK
    collection.removeCalendar(uids); - throws

    net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.FailedOperationException: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    at net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.dav.CalDavCalendarCollection.removeCalendar(

    please give me a clue with this as I have no idea what it can be. Thank you in advance.


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