
More invalid samples

  • Tobias Lidskog

    Tobias Lidskog - 2005-04-26

    After looking closer on the sample files I've come to the conclusion that twinkle.ics and twinkle_orig.ics  should be moved to the invalid folder. They both contain a property named X. This is not valid x-names according to the rfc and should be refused. I have some patches in preparation to add this and some other validation features.

    • Ben Fortuna

      Ben Fortuna - 2005-04-26

      Hi Tobias,

      That's fine, although if you have further changes to the source could I ask that you wait for a bit before generating the patch (cvsdiff) files, as I've got quite a few changes coming into CVS shortly (regarding merging the DateRange/Period classes).

      I'll post somewhere here when  the changes are committed.


    • Ben Fortuna

      Ben Fortuna - 2005-04-27


      My changes are in CVS now so feel free to provide patches.


      • Tobias Lidskog

        Tobias Lidskog - 2005-04-30

        Hi Ben
        Have you had a chance to look at my patches from a few days ago? I've done some more work since then, fixed some minor bugs, added some stuff from the spec that wasn't implemented (iana-comp and x-comp and more) and added a few extra featues such as implemented equals most of the relevant classes. Since these new changes build on what I already submitted it would simplify my work if the submitted changes could go into cvs.


        • Ben Fortuna

          Ben Fortuna - 2005-04-30

          Hi Tobias,

          I've just had a look at it now and have added some feedback comments to the patch.

          Basically some of the patching didn't work so I've got some cleaning up/manual patching to do. I've committed the changes that are ok, but there's still a couple of packages with uncommitted changes.

          If you want to create a new patch now you can, just don't include the following folders:


          I'll try to sort these out in the next 24 hours - will let you know when its done.



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