
#4594 [HHQ-4540] Group Alerts not visible to members of Super User

Group Alerts not visible to members of Super User Role

Prior to 4.3 Group Alerts were visible to all members of the Super User Role, regardless of which user created them. Starting with 4.3 only the owner of the group can see them in Recent Alerts Portlet and Alert Center. They are visible under the Alerts tab of the group. I've checked the documentation there is no mention of a feature change. There is no documentation which states this should be possible, however, "Super User" is implied unrestricted permissions.

I verified that this functionality worked prior to 4.3, I'm assuming the changing of permissions in 4.3 is the cause of this.

This prevents multiple admins from easily seeing the alerts via Dashboard or Alert Center. I've marked this as Critical because I know there is at least one other customer that this would create an issue for if they ever upgrade to 4.3+. I'm working up a workaround with hqapi to add groups to the Super User Role as a temporary workaround.

Not seeing anything at all in server.log. Not attaching that unless requested.

Steps to Reproduce:

1.) Place user1 in Super User Role

2.) Place user2 in Super User Role

3.) As user1, create a Group Alert and trigger it to fire(wait for it to fire)

4.) Log in as user2.

5.) Check for group alert in Recent Alerts (doesn't show)

6.) Check for group alert in Alert Center (doesn't show)

7.) Navigate to group and click on the Alert tab. (Shows alert and def)



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