
HttpBridge / News: Recent posts

HttpBridge does work with a lot of free web email services.

I recently found that is a good one. I can read and manage emails via HttpBridge, but with problems on writing email. I will work on this to make HttpBridge to support some friendly free web email services.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-10-26

HttpBridge does work with a lot of free web email services.

I recently found that is a good one. I can read and manage emails via HttpBridge, but with problems on writing email. I will work on this to make HttpBridge to support some friendly free web email services.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-10-26

Version 0.9 is in test on the demo site

This will be the last release of HttpBridge implemented using Java Servlets. After this, I am going to develop a stand-alone Java application to replace the servlet edition.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-08-17

Version 0.8 released

Version 0.8 has an enhanced cookie and HTTP header management. It supports both GET and POST FORMs now. But you still can not use it to login to check your online member services like web email. Because it's not as easy as translating HTML tags.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-04-08

version 0.7 released

This release has an improved HTML tag parser and supports the GET method of HTML FORM. Although it also support the POST method of HTML FORM, it does not work well. Because the cookie function has some problems, usually a POST method work togather with sessions. But it is coming soon.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-03-19

version 0.6 released

This release did not update or enhance any core functions that convert HTML link tags, but added an user management function. Now you can assign an id for each of your family and friends. Each id is associated a certain rules about how long and how much bandwidth he can use in one session. If your site welcome guests, you can assign an id that allows concurrent logins from different ips. This can reduce your time to generate a great number of guest ids.
Install it, have fun.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-03-06

initial release goes to public

This release works with static contents on the most sites. Unfortunately it has not supportted FORM yet.

A demo site is under construction, please check Http Bridge's home page back from time to time.

Posted by Rex Young 2003-02-22