
htc Hypertext Converter / News: Recent posts

htc.0.0.2 released

New version available. Removed old PHP3 files and substituted them by newer versions based on PHP4.

Posted by Frank Hofmann 2002-06-22

htc.0.0.2.rc3 released

The rc3 is available, now. The navigation bug has been fixed, successfully.


Posted by Frank Hofmann 2002-05-11

htc 0.0.2.rc2 released

Fixed a bug when displaying the navigation table and a format bug in the documentation.

Frank Hofmann <>

Posted by Frank Hofmann 2002-03-09

htc 0.0.2.rc1

The rc1 for the htc is now available. Converting from XML to HTML works fine, the config is XML based, now. Package includes documentation and a few examples.

see for details

Posted by Frank Hofmann 2002-02-19

htc HyperText Converter 0.0.2.rc1 available

The rc1 for the htc is now available. Converting from XML to HTML works fine, the config is XML based, now. Package includes documentation and a few examples.

see for details

Posted by Frank Hofmann 2002-02-19