
HiTMAN: 2D / News: Recent posts

Implemented Collision Detection

Circle and AABB ("Rect") collision detection has been implemented and tested. Collision functions include support for calculating penetration vectors, which are then used to separate colliding objects, based either on the smallest penetration component or on the movement vector. Penetration calculation with movement vector works in basic tests, not yet tested in advanced tests. Collision detection is supported with pixel-perfect collision maps (not yet tested), but no separating vector support.

Posted by Val 2007-12-02

Source Code Updated

I uploaded the most current work-in-progress source code for version 2.1. Besides various small changes and refactoring, I added support for playing full-screen video with DirectShow and started work on rewriting collision detection (currently buggy and doesn't work).

You can run this code without having any hitman2d assets. When compiling, don't forget to go Compiler IDE settings, and turn off precompiled headers (because they are not included).

Posted by Val 2007-11-28

Source Code Uploaded

The source code for 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1 releases (latter being a work in progress) has been uploaded, apologize for not having the time to browse my backups earlier.

Source code for 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 is considered to be "one and the same" and is a part of build 2.0.0 package. I do not track source code through minor version changes, only the binaries.

Posted by Val 2007-10-11

State of the Code

With all binaries for HiTMAN: 2D uploaded, source code for versions 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1 (the latter being a work in progress) will follow.

I am currently hard at work on version 2.1, both the code and the graphics. All previous builds featured extremely bad looking place holder graphics for test worlds - I seriously worked only on game UI graphics. With version 2.1, this will finally change. I am very much hoping to have a good-looking map by Christmas, with at least basic collision detection and maybe even shadow maps.

Posted by Val 2007-10-02