
Hack and Slash / News: Recent posts

H&S at

Hack and Slash is on the front page of today. Now the invitation to be involved has been extended to the blender gaming community at large.

Posted by Benjamin F. Galbraith 2005-03-17

MaM moved to

The latest working version of the Mano a Mano Role-Playing System will be found at, until further notice:

This Mano a Mano version is under the CCA-SA liscence. makes it faster for us to edit Mano a Mano.

(Right now it is listed there under "Experimental systems.")

Posted by Benjamin F. Galbraith 2005-03-15

H&S Computer Game Developer release requires Blender

The latest Hack and Slash Computer Game release is for developers only. It requires Blender to run and/or modify. It does not use any version of the Quake engine, but uses the Blender game engine instead. In some ways it is more advanced than the last stand-alone quake-based version we released (multiple player for one computer,) and in many ways it is less advanced.

(It is not develped enough for players - if it was, we would have included a stand-alone version that did not require Blender to run.)

Posted by Benjamin F. Galbraith 2005-03-08


One of the previous names of the "Hack and Slash Role-Playing System" from the '90's, was "Mano a Mano". We have changed the name of the H&S RPS back to the "Mano a Mano Role-Playing System." From now on, when we say "Mano a Mano," you'll know we are talking about the paper&pencil side of the project. When we talk about Hack and Slash, you'll know we are talking about the computer game.... read more

Posted by Benjamin F. Galbraith 2004-12-30

H&S RPS v.2003 is due out

The biggest change to the upcomming RPS release is a new kind of ability, which is as a catagory called "disabilities," that works on the same PPV scale as our current abilities, exept for that these disabilities PPV bonus counts against your PPV total (instead of for your PPV total, so in another words disability PPV is negetive PPV,) and disabilities are more general than regualar abilities, and disability bonuses count against (instead of for,) your success rolls (so a disability bonus is in effect a negetive bonus.) ... read more

Posted by Benjamin F. Galbraith 2003-01-22

QC code in CVS

Checkout the Hack and Slash Quake-C code in the "hands" module of Open Quartz CVS:

Posted by Seth Galbraith 2001-06-10

New Hack and Slash Mailing List

I have set up a new Mailing list for Hack and Slash:

Posted by Seth Galbraith 2001-06-10