
h264bitstream / News: Recent posts

h264bitstream getting close to next release

this would be a good time to test the latest code in svn and also to report any bugs or issues you want to have addressed. estimated time to release 3-5 days.

new features include:
- initial support for SEI
- rbsp_to_nal and nal_ro_rbsp conversion functions callable from the outside (also allows using any *_rbsp function directly as long as the appropriate conversion is performed)
- support for access unit delimiters (AUD)
- many constants with special meanings now have their own defines, and also print out a description in debug_*
- correct handling on single slice type-only slices (slice_type >= 5), both for reading and writing
- slice data read/write (work in progress, not yet functional)

Posted by Alex I 2007-05-24