
new HwI or auto detect and life code select?

Percy Zahl
  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2010-12-30

    Support for the next gen and more powerful DSP MK3Pro-A810 just about to

    Status is:

    • DSP code ported (needs most likely testing/debugging), program is up and running
    • kernel module expanded to support "usb-sranger_mk23" featuring auto detection of MK2/3
    • script ported, looking fine.

    Now the big Question is:

    Just derive a new HwI from the mk2 for the mk3 and adjust (most efficient and
    easy to do) but both will be around for some time to come and the higher
    performance MK3Pro is absolutely not need for many applications but the new
    one provide the power for time to come and possible to run a PLL as well.


    Attempt to make the existing mk2 HwI also automatic to select code and do
    proper data transformations -- as there are a few major changes. About
    everything (control parameters, etc) is now 32bits and the DSP native byte
    order (endianess or NUXI issue...) is different again. Efficiency impact will
    be minor to non. Needs more heads up... but a big plus will be transparency
    and maintenance for both version.

    Any thoughts. I personally tend to the "unification" solution.

  • Yong Lee

    Yong Lee - 2011-04-09

    Hi Percy.

    So if I want to try out MK3Pro-A180 with GXSM, what should I do? Is the ported
    software available?


  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2011-04-11

    The MK3Pro-A810 support is still very beta and not yet usable, means not all
    function are properly ported as all fixed point math had to be rewritten from
    16 to 32bit -- what sounded easier than it turned out so far. No problems,
    just a lot of work to be done.

    Status in brief:

    • kernel module and communication: done, OK
    • HwI support almost done, but still a lot of adjustments and tests necessary -- needs work together with testing
    • DSP code is ported and compiles but some function are not yet working correct and some work zones pending

    Simply said: Gxsm loads up with it but several things are still broken. It's
    just sitting there as I did not got to it lately.


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