
Startup crash with Gxsm liveDVD and MK3

Lifeng Hao
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  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-07-17


    I am quite new for GXSM. I just got a SR-MK3&A810PLL from SoftdB and installed
    the software with Gxsm liveDVD. The startup always freeze when "Gxsm plugin
    loading" reach 100%. By the way, the startup with no hardware works fine. Is
    there any suggestion what should I do?



  • Thorsten Wagner

    Thorsten Wagner - 2012-07-17

    Hi Lifeng.

    I am not sure what happens. I think you are right that there is a problem with
    the HWI plugin for the SR-MK3. Do you know the firmware version of your DSP
    code? I am not sure if softdb always delivers the latest version. The linux
    distriution is dated from May.So please make sure that on your SR the
    following DSP code is running:

    If there was a change in the interface afterwards your GXSM might crash. Percy
    has at least released two patches (in June). All have the firmware version
    30.15 - you should get this by trying the script which is also in
    the main menue.

    Thorsten :-)

  • Thorsten Wagner

    Thorsten Wagner - 2012-07-17

    One mroe thing: While starting in the no hardware mode, please enter the
    preferences and check for the correct devise: You should find on the first
    page of the preference manager the device which should be /dev/sranger_mk2_0.

    Thorsten :-)

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-07-29

    Hi Thorsten,

    Thanks a lot for your quick answer! I did two things till now,

    (1) In the preference page, put in /dev/stranger_mk2_0 as device, and then run And below is what I got,

    No device /dev/sranger0 found.

    Device SR_MK2 found!

    DSP code released:00.00.0

    (2) Download SR3_applications_installer_V200 from softdb website, and use
    minidebugger from the package. By choose "SR3_Pro" as card, I got Rev 1.50, I
    wonder if this is the firmware version.

    It seems I got something wrong or missed. What should I do next?

    Any suggestion is highly appreciated!


  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-07-29

    By the way, do I need to update the FPGA code as well during updating DSP code
    with minidebugger? If yes, where can I find the latest version?



  • Thorsten Wagner

    Thorsten Wagner - 2012-07-30

    You did everythinkg right. The usually returns the wrong DSP-
    Firmware version for the SR-MK3Pro because the tools expects the number at the
    wrong position in the memory. Is there anything else the scripts complains
    about? Usually it checks the permissions of the device. If the script is
    running without further complains, GXSM should have access to the board.

    About the FPGA code :Usually, you do not have to upload that, too, if you
    update the GXSM related DSP code. The FPGA is much more low level. The rbt or file is contained in the old SR-MK2 driver package. Look for the file
    SR2_Analog_810_V200 (with one of the afore mentioned suffixes).

    The only other way to check for the firmware version is via GXSM. But as this
    fails to start, ... I can maybe prepare a special verison of the for
    you to check on the SR3-Pro (instead of the SR2 for which is was originally
    made). Wait a momemt, please try the mk3pro_spm-control-script. Here the link
    to the latest version:

    The mentioned firmware revision you get from the minidebugger is resonable. I
    have the same on my board. By the way, do you run the Distribution in live-
    mode or in an installed version. I hope it is no problem of having not enough
    physical memory while running in live-mode.

    Last thing to try: Use another PC to check if the USB port is buggy.

    Thorsten :-)

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-01

    Hi Lifeng,

    Can you start up the




    Then click on "SR MK3 DSP Info"? This should display this (latest code as of

    Magic ID: 3202EE01

    SPM Version: 00003015

    Software ID: 0000001002

    DSP Code Released: 12.06.2012


  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-01

    And just in case you are not using the supplied USB cable, it must be USB 2.0
    rated, else trouble is on....

    DSP Status LED is Green when plugged in?

    any thing unusual/strange if you execute "dmesg" from command line? After
    plugin you should see some thing like this:


    usb 1-8: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 15

    usb 1-8: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

    usb 1-8: USB disconnect, address 15

    usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 16

    usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

    SR-MK2/3: USB SignalRanger MK2/3 init

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - probing for B.Paillard Signal Ranger MK2/MK3 DSP

    SR-MK2/3: Allocated and initiated usb_sranger_mk2 device structure, size=736

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - USB SignalRanger MK3 device now attached to

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - USB Devive Information:

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - Vendor : 0x1612

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - Product: 0x103

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - Device Ver: 1.50

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - bulk_out_endpoint: 2

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - bulk_in_endpoint : 6

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - SR2/3 USB Interface Configuration HPI->FAST
    mode: OK

    usbcore: registered new interface driver sranger_mk2

    SR-MK2/3: USB SignalRanger MK2/MK2-NG/MK3-Pro Driver v0.35 20120503

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-01

    About the FPGA code, I assume it comes with the right FPGA code pre loaded and
    no need to update at any time. If you do so, use the latest rbt file for the
    A810 provided by SoftdB.

    PS: Do you have the PLL version (with TCO) or not? (beyond the precision gain,
    it should not matter and they behave the same)

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-01

    One more, sorry...

    If you fire up gxsm2 from command line (I assume you previously set
    hardware/card in preferences to

    Hardware/Card: SRangerMK2:SPM


    Hardware/Device: /dev/sranger_mk2_0 (may be _1, ... if you have multiple SR

    The Mk2 or Mk3 versions are auto detected and you have to just set as above --
    they share the same driver and HwI, but the Mk3 provides more computing power
    and functionality, PLL,...

    This is what you should get as console output at start from the Mk2/3/PLL auto

    percy@mimas:~$ gxsm2

    GXSM-DebugLevel/PI-DebugLevel/ForceGDefaults: 0/0/0

    DSPDev :/dev/sranger_mk2_0


    SR-MK2/3_HwI HardwareInterface Init

    probing for MK2...

    HWI-DEV-MK2-I** HwI SR-MK2 probing

    HWI-DEV-MK2-I03-- SR-MK3-NG 1612:0103 found -- reassigning...

    probing mark id: MK-3 identified.

    HWI-DEV-MK2-BYBY -- closing all DSP links.

    probing for MK3...

    HWI-DEV-MK3-I** HwI SR-MK3 probing

    HWI-DEV-MK3-I03-- SR-MK3-NG 1612:0103 found -- OK, taking it.

    HWI-DEV-MK3-I** reading DSP magic informations and code version.

    HWI-DEV-MK3-ICPU DSP-MAGIC : 3202ee01

    HWI-DEV-MK3-ICPU DSP-SoftId : 00001002

    HWI-DEV-MK3-ICPU DSP-Version: 00003015

    probing succeeded: MK3 identified.

    SR-MK2/3_HwI::sranger_mk2_hwi_query:: <SRangerMK2:SPM>

    SR-MK2/3_HwI::sranger_mk2_hwi_query:: Adding DSP controls to menu

    SR-MK2/3_HwI::sranger_mk2_hwi_query:: PAC check... HwI and PLL cap. present,
    adding PAC control.

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-10

    My problem seems solved. And the solution is to update the firmware version
    with the minidebbuger in Windows, as suggested by Thorsten.

    Sorry for the late reply, I can not access the forum for the past few days.

    Thanks again to Thorsten and Zahl!


  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-12

    Hi Thorsten and Zahl,

    I met some problems just after startup,

    (1) A warning message popped out, as below,


    MK2-A810 DataAq Preferences Setup Verification

    ==> Auto Adjustments done:

    DataAq/DataSrcC1-ZType=LONG -> FLOAT

    DataAq/DataSrcD1-ZType=LONG -> FLOAT

    DataAq/DataSrcE1-ZType=LONG -> FLOAT

    DataAq/DataSrcF1-ZType=LONG -> FLOAT


    Should I do something or ignore it?

    (2) In terminal, I got a lot identical warnings

    (gxsm2:1565): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "-nan" of type gdouble' is invalid or out of range for propertyy2' of type `gdouble'

    (gxsm2:1565): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "-nan" of type gdouble' is invalid or out of range for propertyy2' of type `gdouble'

    (3) I tried to scan, but GXSM seems got idled, no output from any BNC in the
    front panel, and I got a message in the terminal:






  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-13

    You should adjust the preferences as indicated (even the auto adjustment will
    work for this session but is not saved). Set type for ...C1-F1 to FLOAT and
    save. The latest HwI version for Mk2/3 are requiring this.

    The terminal message can be ignored... mostly informative/debugging for

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-15

    Hi Zahl,

    Sorry to bother you again. I am trying to test the function of Mk3pll. And
    below is problem I met:

    When I click "scan" button in the main frame, all the GXSM windows (main,
    channelselector..) will fall to respond, that is, I can not even stop the
    scanning. At the same time, I got nothing from the output of MK3pll, all the
    output voltage from Xs, Xo, Ys, Yo...are all close to zero. I feel I might
    just missed something very simple, but I can not figure out what is wrong.

    BTW, I update the DSP code to the lastest version. Below is what I got by

    Magic ID: 3202EE01

    SPM Version: 00003015

    Software ID: 0000001002

    DSP Code Released: 12.06.2012

    I also tested the PLL loop under windows with the labview code provided by
    softdb, and that part seems working.



  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-15

    I need to full "picture", no idea what you are doing -- sorry.

    Please tell me step by step what you do.

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-16

    Hi Zahl,

    Below are some steps I took,

    (1) startup with nothing abnormal, as shown below.

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-16


    hardware info

    channel selector

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-16

    feedback and scan



  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-16

    (3) Then I just click the "scan" button, as shown below.

    I suppose this should give some periodic scan signal to drive piezo tube via
    Xs Ys output. All the outputs are monitored by an oscilloscope but got
    nothing. At the same time, I also noticed that the whole gxsm system fail to
    answer any further action, and the only thing I can do seems to be "force
    quit" as shown below.

    I hope the description above can give you some clue about what I missed or
    what is wrong with my settings.

    Thanks a lot!


  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-16

    I notice a few things not normal:

    a) The DSP status is very odd (color indicators in pan view) FB is active but
    not active in GXSM, scan/move is active, but not scanning or moving. Indicates
    some thing "hanging" or/and DSP conditions/mode.

    b) all values are zero -- not even noise at the tunnel input, even if grounded
    I won't expect to read 0.000nA, it should fluctuate a bit around zero at

    c) Software ID and DSP code seams loaded OK and latest version as far as I can
    see, but for some reason I have a feeling the DSP is not responding to
    commands and Gxsm waits for ever. It may be crashed at bootup for a reason I
    can not simply tell.


    If you start fresh, DSP power up, plug in, and they start Gxsm:

    1) how is the PanVIew (this status panel) looking like? Any numbers changing?
    Is the left DSP load indicator a little fluctuating? It seams fairly high --
    unless the PLL is all active (you must turn it on manually).

    2) can you toggle the Feedback on/off, (in advanced folder), then the left
    "green" LED (here on, strangely) should come on when turned on -- 1st thing
    you may want to do.

    3) Can you press "(Scan) STOP" button 1st thing after DSP startup and GXsm
    start, does this do any thing? (this may recover the DSP to a default state),
    then try to turn on the Feedback. Also may want to check GURU and ADVANCED

    4) Can you change the Offset?

    If nothing reacts, the DSP code is not properly loaded/flashed or some thing
    else went wrong and the DSP program is not running normal. It is per design
    extremely stable as it's a state machine design. However, if wrong memory
    location were accessed/written (by what ever, including scripts or Gxsm)
    things go wrong.

    What is "dmesg" showing if you plug in the DSP (terminal command), any
    warnings/errors -- if should just tell you that the DSP was detected and some
    version info.

    ==> You did NOT got any warning related to DSP code version and Gxsm mismatch?

  • Lifeng Hao

    Lifeng Hao - 2012-08-16

    Hi Zahl,

    Thanks for your quick answer! I just followed your instruction to make some
    test. Here are some results,

    (1) The values shown in the pan view are exactly zero without any fluctuation.

    (2) The left DSP load indicator shows no fluctuating as well.

    (3) When toggle the Feedback on/off in the advanced folder, the left green
    indicator kept on for all the time.

    (4) When start fresh, DSP power up, plug in, start GXSM, and press (scan)stop,
    the only change in the pan view is the second color indicator from left will
    turn from green to black.

    (5) Changing the offset xy in the main frame seems can make some changes in
    the pan view as below, but no real output on the front panel of MK3pll.

    (6) The message from dmesg is,

    usbcore: registered new interface driver sranger

    SR: USB SignalRanger STD/SP2 Driver v0.50 20060621

    SR-MK2/3: USB SignalRanger MK2/3 init

    usbcore: registered new interface driver sranger_mk2

    SR-MK2/3: USB SignalRanger MK2/MK2-NG/MK3-Pro Driver v0.30 20111030

    usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3

    usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choiceto

    SR-MK2/3: Allocated and initiated usb_sranger_mk2 device structure, size=672

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - USB SignalRanger MK3 device now attached to

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - USB Devive Information:

    SR-MK2/3: sranger_mk2_probe - SR2/3 USB Interface Configuration HPI->FAST
    mode: OK

    (7) There is no warning related to mismatch between DSP code and GXSM,
    actually there is no warning at all.

    Thanks again!


  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-16

    Lifeng, I have a feeling your DSP code is not matching with the Gxsm version
    you are running or some thing is wrong with the DSP/memory causing it crash or
    been unresponsive.

    No fluctuations and the way to high load (fixed, may even be a random wrong
    reading), the "blue" (move indicator is on for no reason!?!?) should never be
    on at startup -- very weird. All points to two options:

    a) Gxsm is reading wrong memory locations due to version mismatches -- is you
    Gxsm up-to-date from CVS? I actually do NOT know what the life CD version is.
    @Thorsten should know)

    Gxsm is actually checking for this and should warn you -- unless manipulated
    or wrong header files compiles in/overridden.

    b) Your Offset change seam only to effect the black box position, and NOT move
    the tip -- (the center indicator is read back life from DSP and looks NOT
    moved!) Offset change should briefly turn on the blue indicator (always on
    here) .

    c) Just checking: what are your piezo sensitivities (did you changed those at
    all from default), Gains, etc. -- you may not want to use extremely small or
    zero here -- this may cause "for ever" waiting if calculated step size may get
    zero at some extreme point. Also Scan and Move "speed" settings should be
    reasonable. if very very small, actions may take very long or for ever. (But
    all this is no crash and recoverable by readjusting)

    If you have the "life CD", may be you can try to build your own latest Gxsm
    from CVS? As said, have to check w Th. for life CD code versions.


  • Thorsten Wagner

    Thorsten Wagner - 2012-08-16

    Hi Lifeng.

    I remember that I had similar problems as you described when I had an
    intermeadiate version of GXSM running. Anyway, please make sure that you have
    the latest GXSM Ubuntu Remix on your computer. I just releases the 12.04 LTS
    version as distribution (
    or via my PPA.

    I will crosscheck tomorrow on my system.

    Thorsten :-)

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-16

    Here is a MK2 screen shot of normal operation, just current set to zero for
    tip retract purpose.

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2012-08-16

    MK3 is very similar.

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