
Gutenbrowser / News: Recent posts

Gutenbrowser 4

Initial cvs commit for gutenbrowser 4 today! wooT!

Should be a bit usable, although beta quality.

Needs QT 4, or Qtopia 4, oh, and sqlite.


Posted by Lorn Potter 2006-11-17


gutenbrowser version for Sharp Zaurus. Should be generally useful at this time. beta quality. Expect bugs.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2002-01-05

Qtopia/Zaurus embedded project

I uploaded the gutenbrowser qtopia/Zaurus code.
There were changes in the networking code due to Zaurus qtopia not having qt networking, qftp in the library on the Zaurus.

No actual testing of the ftplib on the Zaurus, it works in qvfb, and runs on Zaurus...


Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-12-30

gutenbrowser 0.7

gutenbrowser 0.7 is in the cvs. Soon eto be tarballed and released.
News: gutenbrowser will most likely be ported to qt/embed, and compiled for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5000!

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-11-17

gutenbrowser 6.5-1 released

woooohhh hhhooo !! Printing!!!

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-07-18


printing seems to work, still don't know how I feel about doin' the paper thaaaang'.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-07-18

new gutenbrowser

As no one may have noticed, I have added a windows version to this project. Same code, different OS, different license. Chummied up some crazy moths. Hopefully got the idiotic ones. Don't worry, I'm sure there's more somewhere.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-07-12

cvs update

Ok, got the cvs updated for the new gutenbrowser. Just ignore the kgutenbook tree, you can grab it if you want too. Soon to be removed, tho.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-03-09


Alrighy then... gutenbrowser should at least be usable, again.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-03-04

I'm Back!

I'm back, after a break. With some updated code to follow, soon. Updated to qt-2.2.4

Posted by Lorn Potter 2001-02-24


cvs is up.. don't mind the *.moc files...

Posted by Lorn Potter 2000-11-02


cvs isn't up till someone fixes whatever it is thats broken.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2000-10-30


Hi!! I decided to move my little project here to sourceforge. Any help is requested. Compile early, compile often.

Posted by Lorn Potter 2000-10-29