
gtivo - a GTK/Gnome Application for TiVo / News: Recent posts


I haven't done anything with this project in about two years. Since the conception of this project, TiVo has released their series 2 with home media and the world has moved on. gTiVo might still be useful to someone (I still use it on my series 1). If you'd like to take this project over or carry it forward, let me know.

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2004-12-24


Gravity* has been slowing the gtivo development cycle down. However, our beta testers are submitting modifications and feature requests that will bring Gtivo to a 1.0 release.

*Gravity in this context is our puppy:

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-11-24

Alive? Yes, still alive. Beta? Sure!

gtivo is still being developed and (apparently from the statistics) downloaded every once and a while. However, I haven't heard from any of the users. Without the feedback, I'm not sure which direction to take the project.

In order to incite feedback, I'm going to make the current version of gtivo the first BETA release. That's right, gtivo is finally at the beta phase. With any luck, this all of you reading this will take it upon yourself to submit bugs and feature requests.... read more

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-10-16

gtivo gets Help -- A manual that is!

The gtivo user's manual was written. It's in CVS and did not make it into today's alpha (BETA release candidate 5) release. The documents are also online. Please see the "Help!" link on the project page (

The project is getting very close to an official BETA release. The major stumbling blocks have been time off, a wedding anniversary (first year!) and preparing to move across the country. Oh and also indecision on which method to use when converting from tyStreams to MPEG format. If you've got a method that you prefer, please fill out our ( )!

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-09-30

gtivo has gone Alpha!

A working version of gtivo has been uploaded (labelled pre-Alpha 7; beta release candidate 2). This new version will copy streams (in chunks or to a continuous file). There are several open feature requests, but those items will wait until the beta has been released.

At this time, gtivo will not create an mpeg file. The extraction is raw. Prior to releasing a beta, the mpeg conversion code will be added to the software.... read more

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-09-04

gserver v0.5

Gserver version 0.5 was released today. There are minimal code changes but include the resolution of a bug which could have left many defunct processes lying around. The server timeout has also been changed to 20 seconds.

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-08-26

Vacation/Business Travel Complete

My vacation and business travel is now complete. After visiting Houston, New Orleans, Cocoa Beach (Cape Canaveral Florida) and Atlanta Georgia, I am back home. While I vacation/business travel, I did not focus on gtivo. I thought about it at odd intervals, but mostly, I was laying on a beach or relaxing in some other manner (until the business part of the trip occured).

If you're looking at this project and asking, "Why's it seem so inactive?" The answer is above. Never fear, more coding shall occur!

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-08-21

No News? Good News!

There hasn't been any new news articles posted on this project in about 10 days. I think that may be a good sign. Instead of working on the content, I was off writing some code. Lots of progress has been made towards Extracting data (

Most of the changes are framework changes -- how will we send a command, extract code and update a progress bar simultaneously? With posix threads of course! (However, I learned too late that my forking method would have sufficed if only I had called _exit instead of exit()). ... read more

Posted by Jeremy Dinsel 2002-07-31