
I need help BAD

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  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-01-30

    This seems just what I'm lokng for, but can't get it set up.  Windows server 2003, PHP, MySQL server.  Joomla website.


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-01-30

    OK but you are going to have to tell me more than that.  What kind of error are you getting?

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-02

    Thank you SO much for your response nabber.  I had almost given up on this being able to get up and running.  I'm not getting any error that's showing.  I have a joomla site running that uses a mysql database and I'm trying to use this glist in another database that I set up for the glist program.  When I try to go to any of the pages it just comes up with a blank screen.  I'm not a programmer but I can follow directions pretty well.  I'm really not sure of the fle name to run to open the software.  I'm guessing it's grocerylist.php.  I will set the software back up on the site if you'd be interested in going there and see what it's doing.

    Thanks SO much,


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-02

    There is probably a PHP error.  You will need to take a look at your PHP error log.  This will depend on how your web server and PHP software is configured.  Also please tell me what web server you are using.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-02

    The web server I'm using is IIS 6, I believe.  It is the one that comes with windows server 2003.  I don't think I'm connecting to the database, but I'm not sure.  The web site gives no PHP errors, but I'll check the log and get right back.


  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-02

    OK……the php server had not been logging any errors as of yet, but I just turned it on in the php.ini file. 


  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-06

    Well…it's been a few days now, and no errors on the PHP log.  I have several websites using php and the mysql server so if I was going to get any errrors, I should have gotten them by now.

    I have been tinkering some, but can't seem to get the software working as yet. 

    I sure could use an expert's help in getting this set up.
    I have the software installed as much as I could on http://www'



  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-06

    sorry……it's on

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-07

    OK well when I visit your URL I get the following error, which is what I was asking for:

    faultCode0faultStringFatal error:Class 'PDO' not found in C:\Webs\Billh\GList\include\db.php on line 38

    So it looks like you don't have the PDO module installed.  To use this program you must have it installed:

    You must use PHP 5 or greater.  It should be included if you are using PHP 5.1 or greater.

    "PDO ships with PHP 5.1, and is available as a PECL extension for PHP 5.0; PDO requires the new OO features in the core of PHP 5, and so will not run with earlier versions of PHP. "

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-07

    One step at a time I guess…..That worked to get the page to show.  I know other things must be wrong as well.  Seems I'm not connecting to the database either.  Am I supposed to create a config.php file exactly like the one that's included and run both??  I'm still showing some error messages on the first page too.

    I sure thank you for your help so far.


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-07

    You need to follow the setup instructions in README.txt.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-07

    I'm sorry for being a newbie pest.  I really thought I had followed the instructions in the read me file.  I do pretty well on most other stuff, but I am not understanding what I'm doing wrong.  That's why I am asking for help here.

    If you are too busy..I understand.


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-07

    Ah OK.  So head to the start page (start.php).  It will walk you through the rest of the getting started process and any error that might occur.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-07

    I'm getting errors on the start page that I can't connect to the database when I have an include/config.php file in addition to the include/config.defaults.php file.  I put my database connection parameters in the config.default.php file and delete the config.php and things seem to work fine on start.php with no errors.  I try to add an item and the next page throws all kinds of errors I have no clue how to fix.  Listitems.php is what the next page is.

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-07

    It would help me a lot if you can be more specific and document what you are doing.  Just copy/paste errors you get.  Tell me what the URL is at the top of the page. Tell me what your config file looks like (minus passwords of course) since I can't see that.  Then I can make sure we are talking about the same thing and I can trace it back.

    I suspect that there is still something wrong with your database connection if it isn't working.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-07

    I'm not sure I'm gonna give you the right info, but here goes.

    This is the contents of my config.php file minus passwords:


    // Database settings
    $DBUSER = 'bill@localhost';
    $DBPASS = 'password';
    $DBDSN = 'host=localhost;dbname=glist';

    // Security settings to prevent filling up the disk
    // Limit the number of lists that can be created

    // time until a UPC is looked up again in the database

    // use demo mode, database contents are reset periodically
    $DEMO = FALSE;
    $DEMO_RESET_TIME = 3600*3;

    // Title to use for application
    $TITLE = 'Grocery List';

    // Account identifier, lets you have mutiple sets of lists, items, products, etc. in the same database
    $GLIST_ACCT_ID = 1;

    However, if I have this file in the includes dir..along with the config.default.php file, the start.php page says that it cannot connect to the database.  If I remove the config.php file and just have config.default.php file in includes.  The start.php page does not give any errors.  Now, when I go to the next page and try to add an item. This is the next error.

    faultCode0faultStringNotice:Undefined index: select in C:\Webs\Billh\GList\listitems.php on line 46

    It also has

    faultCode0faultStringNotice:Undefined index: submit in C:\Webs\Billh\GList\listitems.php on line 58faultCode0faultStringNotice:Undefined index: submit in C:\Webs\Billh\GList\listitems.php on line 72

    These errors appear on :

    I currently hae it set up this way so you can go there and see.


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-07

    Your DBDSN value isn't right, it needs to be:

    $DBDSN = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=glist';

    Your DBUSER probably needs to be:

    $DBUSER = 'bill';

    Those aren't errors (they don't prevent the page from acting as intended), they are just notices, you can ignore them, at least for now.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-08

    I turned off display errors in my php.ini file and you no longer see the notices.  I don't think I'm connecting to the database when I have my config.php file installed in addition to the config.default.php.

    Are they BOTH supposed to be identical??

    I seem to connect to the database with only config.default.php file installed, but nothing updates.

    If I have both files in the include folder, the page says "cannot connect to database.


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-08

    Did you correct the config values that I said?

    As the install directions say, you aren't supposed to modify config.default.php.  Copy it to config.php and change your settings there.  I really don't see how changing the settings in config.default.php will be any different if it is the same settings as config.php.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-08

    OK……I have reloaded the software as originally downloaded it into my folder.  I copied the config.default.php file and renamed it config.php.  Both of these files are in the include subfolder. I put my database connection information into the places in the config.php file and left everything else alone.  When I try to connect to the page   my web browser hangs and eventually says "page cannot be found".  For grins, I renamed config.default.php….config.default.bak…..when I do that and reload  The start page appears and this is what it says:

    Start Page

    ERROR: Could not connect to database, check your include/config.php file.

    Also make sure your database has been created and check the permissions on your database.

    This is my config.php file now with the password removed


    // Database settings
    $DBUSER = 'bill';
    $DBPASS = 'password';
    $DBDSN = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=glist';

    // Security settings to prevent filling up the disk
    // Limit the number of lists that can be created

    // time until a UPC is looked up again in the database

    // use demo mode, database contents are reset periodically
    $DEMO = FALSE;
    $DEMO_RESET_TIME = 3600*3;

    // Title to use for application
    $TITLE = 'Grocery List';

    // Account identifier, lets you have mutiple sets of lists, items, products, etc. in the same database
    $GLIST_ACCT_ID = 1;

    // read custom config options

    bill has all privileges on the database

    I'm trying to get it right here……….


  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-02-08

    Turn your error reporting back on.  I don't think either config file is getting loaded now, so of course it won't connect to the database.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-02-08

    Error reporting is turned back on.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-03-22

    Hey there guys. I have been tinkering again and I have changed the behavior of the software. There is no more warning that I am not connecting to the database.  Now when I try to add an item it tells me there is no generic product name and does not add what I am trying to enter.  please help……

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-03-22

    Simply getting a "no generic product name" error is usually a user error when you don't enter a generic product name, so you need to make sure that field isn't empty in the form.

    Please describe here:

    1) Webserver and version, PHP version, MYSQL (or other database) and version, grocery list software version (I think you've covered most of this already)
    2) Exactly what steps you have taken prior to problem such that I can recreate it.  (config.php non-default directives, page name, form input fields)
    3) What you expected to happen, but didn't (the problem).
    4) All error messages exactly as they appear.

    This saves me time (I can't manually debug everyone's installation problems) and allows me to get you an answer faster.  It is also more helpful to others with the same problem in the future to have it documented and searchable here.

  • Billh

    Billh - 2011-03-22

    I have made absolutely SURE that there is a generic product name in the form field.  It is NOT empty…..

    I am running :  Microsoft server 2003 with IIS for web sites.
                               PHP version :  5.2.6
                               MySQL version : 5.0.51b
                               The latest version of Grocery list software from your download site.

    I have loaded the software into a folder under the root of my web…the folder is called glist.  I configured the config.default.php file with only the username and password and database name in the proper places in the file.  I then copied the file and only have in there the database connection routine and named the file config.php

    I have the software up and running on

    You can see how it operates and the errors if you will go to that URL.

    I hope I've given you enough information to be able to help me.



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